That style
Liberty taken and simplified to make it suitable to be reproduced on porcelain
The artistic movement of 'Art Nouveau , which spread in many European countries and America between late nineteenth and early twentieth century was born as a reaction to the concept of art was rigid and academic as opposed to a new aesthetic nature .
He appeared under different names in different countries: Art Nouveau in France, Liberty in America, Floral in Italy, Modern Style in Inghilteraa, Jugendstil in Germany, Secession in Austria .... so many different titles to define a unique style, inspired by the harmonious asymmetry forms plants and animals, was characterized by a refined representation of reality distorted imitation of nature.
A special emphasis was also Art Nouveau posters graphics, hitherto considered a minor art, thanks to the work of painters and illustrators such as Mucha, Grasset , Beardsley, who have lasciato opere così raffinate da farci dimenticare che, in fondo, si trattava solo di manifesti pubblicitari!
Ed è appunto il lavoro di tali artisti che Ed Sibbett ha ripreso e semplificato per realizzare le 39 tavole che costituiscono questo libro della Dover Publications : sono tutti disegni al tratto, alcuni anche a colori, che rappresentano degli ottimi modelli per le tecniche a pennino .
Il costo contenuto del volume, l'affidabilità della casa editrice e la possibilità di reperirlo anche su siti italiani ne fanno un acquisto appetibile per tutti gli amanti traditional techniques.
© Radaelli-Ross 23:05:07
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