Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Paint Volleyball Playground

stone_D (project development) - part design

luciano fabale  stone_D (galleggiante)  - 2008
Progetto published in the September 2009 issue of the magazine of architecture "Octagon "

PHASE meta
This is the stage where the designer has to identify an emerging need in the target reference has not yet become aware. This need is not obvious and not very experienced, it is not easy to spot.
To be able to identify emerging needs, you need a good workout observation and analysis.
needs are often perceived as problems to which the designer must find a resolution.
A good meta-search is essential for the development of a good concept .

Located on you need to begin developing the concept that can solve the problem. The concept will be the one best able to resolve the problem with ease.
prototype development
Once you choose the best concept for the solution of the problem is preparing a prototype to evaluate the physical, dimensional, tactile. Good design can not be separated from the prototype. E 'in this phase occurring qualities and defects of the product. Quality and defects that can not be verified on the drawing board. If the project is the prototype will not do any good if the project is poor on the prototype will come out of the defects. The defects may be operating, but also the assembly. If the prototype is not assembled or not working we will review the project. So it is unthinkable that we can move to the execution phase without first prototype and test the project.

Size: H 45 cm, L 180 cm, 180 cm P
Materiale:  polietilene alta densità HDPE
Peso:  circa 100 kg
Sistema di ancoraggio:
  1. (singoli elementi al suolo/fondale)  con sistema di ancoraggio Seaflex
  2. (tutti gli elementi alla banchina)  con pali metallici (sistema utilizzato sulle rive del tevere dai barconi) o con guide che seguono la linea dell'argine
Use: As bench in situations of dry soil, such as barge or platform in case of soil stuck or overflow of the river
Users: People who want to reach the shore of River, even under the river swamp, or want to forward

Luciano Fabal


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