Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Long Dong Silver Pic Of Penis

The Doctor of Design - albo, equivalents, equivalences

For these links you will find tables of equivalence recognized by the Ministry of Defence where degrees in industrial design and design are recognized equivalent to a degree in architecture old system. From this we infer that the competitions which require a degree in architecture, without the requirement of enrollment and precise references to the graduating class, graduates may also participate in industrial design class 42, L4 and design as LM12 equivalent degrees (at least in competitions for the Ministry of Defense).

Prospective Students University of Rome "La Sapienza" - Order of Classes, Article 3, paragraph 7
The Graduate Program in Product Design will carry out professionals in various fields, such as professional services, institutions and public and private agencies, studies and engineering companies, businesses and companies operating in the field of industrial design.
In particular, graduates will be able to exercise its powers to support the competitiveness of firms holding positions che richiedono competenze progettuali, manageriali e di gestione dei processi di sviluppo e messa in produzione dei prodotti industriali.
I Laureati potranno operare direttamente e collaborare alla produzione nei settori industriali del prodotto includendo tutti i settori relativi ai beni di consumo, durevoli e strumentali che rappresentano ambiti di vocazione dell'economia nazionale anche con competenze specifiche quali quelle della progettazione ecocompatibile.
I principali sbocchi occupazionali sono la libera professione, gli studi e le società di progettazione, le imprese e le aziende che operano all'interno dei molteplici ambiti merceologici manufacturing.
These activities are similar, according to the Statistical Classification analytical categories of professions "Istat, such as industrial engineers and management, management and control specialists in private firms, especially in relations with the market.

Decree 22 October 2004, n.270 - Published in Official Gazette 266 of 12 November 2004
Changes to the regulations concerning the educational autonomy of universities and approved by the Minister of the university and research scientific and technological November 3, 1999, No 509.

classes courses
1. Programmes at the same level, however denominated by the universities, which have the same training objectives and the subsequent training required in Article 10, paragraph 1, are grouped into classes of membership, hereafter referred to as classes.

2. Classes are identified by one or more ministerial decrees. Changes institutions or individual classes can be taken, including on proposals from the universities, by decree of the Minister after the CUN, together with the related provisions on the training objectives and subsequent training activities.

3. titles awarded at the end of courses with the same level, in the same class have the same legal value, and are accompanied by the Diploma Supplement under Article 11, paragraph 8.

4. Notwithstanding the provision referred to in paragraph 3, by decree of the Minister after the CUN, in consultation with the Minister of Public Service, may be declared only for access to specific functional positions of public employment, the equivalences between qualifications the same academic level relating to several classes.

The doctor must be able to design the state exam to join the Board of Engineers
Like all graduates will be able to design, our degree does not allow us to join if not all albums' register of industrial experts graduates, which actually is a register of section B in the group only graduates three years and not Lauer colleges.
Ours is a degree similar to that of an industrial engineer or management of such masterful enrolled in Section A of its register. Now it is impossible to establish a register specifically for our qualification I believe that we must aim to be recognized the equivalence in law.
Let me explain, our tests are all ICAR and IND-ING and ING-INF, which are on the tabular ministerial MIUR ascribed to the section of Civil Engineering and Architecture degrees (there is no industrial design section), and in fact our specialization is a graduate of the degrees of Civil Engineering / Architecture. Graduates in Engineering or Architecture may join either of engineers or as an architect, whether he studied at the faculty of architecture or engineering. We have to point to this if we can sign the architect of engineers we can do it ourselves, particularly we must aim to enroll in section A of the engineers as "management engineers" asking the MIUR to recognize the equivalence. In fact it is an architect if you do the exam was an architect and it does not matter if the title to make the state exam is an architect of the gardens, landscape, restoration, or structural, ditto for the engineer to become an engineer if does the committee was an engineer does not matter if you enter the examination with a degree as an architect. We
designer degree we must aim to be admitted to the state for industrial management engineer or with our degree in industrial design.

Luciano Fabal


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