Saturday, December 25, 2010

Cockmilking Between Shoes

Jeamin Seung

speak Korean but has no need of interpreters to be understood ...

How many times have we heard that artistic expression is a kind of universal language that crosses cultural boundaries and logistics for bringing peoples closer me .... well, the concept has come back to mind when they happened, by a lucky coincidence! - in this site ' Korean artist.

Only the titles of various sections are accompanied by its translation in English, the rest is written in the form of ideograms , very attractive but impossible to understand for most of us!

Nevertheless I had no difficulty moving between pages, and accessing Gallery , I was wide open the door on the wonderful world of Jeamin state of grace, lightness and extreme precision.

I could see a large amount of works very well made, as evidenced by the perfect blend of the traditional rigor of School of Meissen, to which the artist draws, and the serene calmness of spirit East .

I could not fail to report this space ... I hope you find your visit as pleasant how I found you!



© Radaelli-Ross 22:04:08

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Can My Adapter For Laptap Be Used In Europe

Maintenance of oil paint brushes in spring

Any advice to get the most from your tools

Unlike other painting techniques, in which the brush is used for simply dipping in color, soft oil on porcelain decoration is important to follow some rules preventive both for the maintenance of the bristles for both how to load the color .

As the soft oil has, at the same time, the function of solvent medium and you must use it for cleaning brushes. However, given the higher cost of oil compared to the common turpentine would be really expensive to use them, as you do with it, filling a glass to rinse your brushes!
You will get the same result by putting on a saucer a small amount in which to dip the tip of the brush moving it repeatedly, so as to remove the color from the hair, if you change the oil often and keep the handle of the brush perpendicular to the plate turning to enlarge bristles well, you get a thorough cleaning ... and cheap!

Also remember to keep the hair brush soaked with oil even when they are placed at the end of work as well as keep them in good condition for longer, this device is used to prepare the brush for when decorating the success of which can be compromised by a pen too dry.
To prevent the handle of the brush, baste it with oil, instead of storing it in the usual glass with the tip up you can even use a box with lid , which put on the bottom of a sheet of paper towel.

need When the brush is again passed through a wet : You can still use the method of the dish, doing good soak the hair bristles enlarging and rotating in the medium, after which excess fat removed by placing the tip of the brush on a cloth-paper and press on with another piece of cloth ... in fact, the professional decorators are used to use the middle finger to squeeze off the excess medium, but not everyone wants to be greasy fingers.

If you work correctly now the bristles of your brush will be presented as a uniform mass and compact, perfectly aligned at the top to form a straight line and thin, are you ready to start painting!

© Radaelli-Ross 12:10:06

Nice Messages After A Wedding

Art Nouveau Design

That style

Liberty taken and simplified to make it suitable to be reproduced on porcelain

The artistic movement of 'Art Nouveau , which spread in many European countries and America between late nineteenth and early twentieth century was born as a reaction to the concept of art was rigid and academic as opposed to a new aesthetic nature .

He appeared under different names in different countries: Art Nouveau in France, Liberty in America, Floral in Italy, Modern Style in Inghilteraa, Jugendstil in Germany, Secession in Austria .... so many different titles to define a unique style, inspired by the harmonious asymmetry forms plants and animals, was characterized by a refined representation of reality distorted imitation of nature.

A special emphasis was also Art Nouveau posters graphics, hitherto considered a minor art, thanks to the work of painters and illustrators such as Mucha, Grasset , Beardsley, who have lasciato opere così raffinate da farci dimenticare che, in fondo, si trattava solo di manifesti pubblicitari!

Ed è appunto il lavoro di tali artisti che Ed Sibbett ha ripreso e semplificato per realizzare le 39 tavole che costituiscono questo libro della Dover Publications : sono tutti disegni al tratto, alcuni anche a colori, che rappresentano degli ottimi modelli per le tecniche a pennino .

Il costo contenuto del volume, l'affidabilità della casa editrice e la possibilità di reperirlo anche su siti italiani ne fanno un acquisto appetibile per tutti gli amanti traditional techniques.


The official site of American

© Radaelli-Ross 23:05:07

Average Bmi For Women Ages 2 To 20

Measures for a good home Delineo

A nib is a nice job to everyone! Just follow a few rules and know the system to remedy any mistakes ...

The best work does not get the good start but he who perseveres ... seems to have said the Leonardo Da Vinci and is a concept that fits well with the stylus technique: follow these few tips and Remember that with a little 'training the results will come!

Hold the straw so that the pen tip is almost perpendicular to the surface , always pull it toward you , if necessary, changing the position of the object and lift it until the end of each line to prevent signs of joint.

Remember often clean the nib with a damp cloth : colored clots that form at the top are often the only ones responsible for the discontinuity of the cast!

If insecurity makes you shake your hand them with a support : in the case of decoration on a plate you can use a line leaning sideways on the platter, while jars or cups (at the beginning is better stay away from the most intricate pieces!) Use a large book placed next to the object on which to place the hand holding the pen.

If, despite all efforts failed to prevent smudging not worry, can be removed with a brush moistened : dip the brush in the thinner (in turpentine Delineo in the case of oily water for Delineo soluble) drain on a cloth and then pass it on to erase part of decorum gently massage. Rinse the brush and repeat the process until the complete disappearance of the defect.

Good job! :-)

© Radaelli-Ross 12:05:06

Friday, December 17, 2010

Clear Mucus On Toilet Paper

Babel 80

Luciano Fabal
Raffaele Soligo - artists
Supermario bros

Supermario bros

Raffaella Ferrandes


Giulio Soligo - artists

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Long Dong Silver Pic Of Penis

The Doctor of Design - albo, equivalents, equivalences

For these links you will find tables of equivalence recognized by the Ministry of Defence where degrees in industrial design and design are recognized equivalent to a degree in architecture old system. From this we infer that the competitions which require a degree in architecture, without the requirement of enrollment and precise references to the graduating class, graduates may also participate in industrial design class 42, L4 and design as LM12 equivalent degrees (at least in competitions for the Ministry of Defense).

Prospective Students University of Rome "La Sapienza" - Order of Classes, Article 3, paragraph 7
The Graduate Program in Product Design will carry out professionals in various fields, such as professional services, institutions and public and private agencies, studies and engineering companies, businesses and companies operating in the field of industrial design.
In particular, graduates will be able to exercise its powers to support the competitiveness of firms holding positions che richiedono competenze progettuali, manageriali e di gestione dei processi di sviluppo e messa in produzione dei prodotti industriali.
I Laureati potranno operare direttamente e collaborare alla produzione nei settori industriali del prodotto includendo tutti i settori relativi ai beni di consumo, durevoli e strumentali che rappresentano ambiti di vocazione dell'economia nazionale anche con competenze specifiche quali quelle della progettazione ecocompatibile.
I principali sbocchi occupazionali sono la libera professione, gli studi e le società di progettazione, le imprese e le aziende che operano all'interno dei molteplici ambiti merceologici manufacturing.
These activities are similar, according to the Statistical Classification analytical categories of professions "Istat, such as industrial engineers and management, management and control specialists in private firms, especially in relations with the market.

Decree 22 October 2004, n.270 - Published in Official Gazette 266 of 12 November 2004
Changes to the regulations concerning the educational autonomy of universities and approved by the Minister of the university and research scientific and technological November 3, 1999, No 509.

classes courses
1. Programmes at the same level, however denominated by the universities, which have the same training objectives and the subsequent training required in Article 10, paragraph 1, are grouped into classes of membership, hereafter referred to as classes.

2. Classes are identified by one or more ministerial decrees. Changes institutions or individual classes can be taken, including on proposals from the universities, by decree of the Minister after the CUN, together with the related provisions on the training objectives and subsequent training activities.

3. titles awarded at the end of courses with the same level, in the same class have the same legal value, and are accompanied by the Diploma Supplement under Article 11, paragraph 8.

4. Notwithstanding the provision referred to in paragraph 3, by decree of the Minister after the CUN, in consultation with the Minister of Public Service, may be declared only for access to specific functional positions of public employment, the equivalences between qualifications the same academic level relating to several classes.

The doctor must be able to design the state exam to join the Board of Engineers
Like all graduates will be able to design, our degree does not allow us to join if not all albums' register of industrial experts graduates, which actually is a register of section B in the group only graduates three years and not Lauer colleges.
Ours is a degree similar to that of an industrial engineer or management of such masterful enrolled in Section A of its register. Now it is impossible to establish a register specifically for our qualification I believe that we must aim to be recognized the equivalence in law.
Let me explain, our tests are all ICAR and IND-ING and ING-INF, which are on the tabular ministerial MIUR ascribed to the section of Civil Engineering and Architecture degrees (there is no industrial design section), and in fact our specialization is a graduate of the degrees of Civil Engineering / Architecture. Graduates in Engineering or Architecture may join either of engineers or as an architect, whether he studied at the faculty of architecture or engineering. We have to point to this if we can sign the architect of engineers we can do it ourselves, particularly we must aim to enroll in section A of the engineers as "management engineers" asking the MIUR to recognize the equivalence. In fact it is an architect if you do the exam was an architect and it does not matter if the title to make the state exam is an architect of the gardens, landscape, restoration, or structural, ditto for the engineer to become an engineer if does the committee was an engineer does not matter if you enter the examination with a degree as an architect. We
designer degree we must aim to be admitted to the state for industrial management engineer or with our degree in industrial design.

Luciano Fabal

Saturday, December 11, 2010

How Long Can You Live With Stage Four Cancer

Restoration: The first steps

When facing a new activity is fully equipped to time all the necessary equipment ...

In the case of the restoration accessories really are indispensable patience and good will ..... well, of course, some products and crafts that will consider from time to time. Apart from the first two ;-) are all materials commonly found in paint or centers DIY .

Scratches and cracks damages are most frequently affect the objects in the material ceramico, per fortuna però sono anche quelli più facili da rimediare : se il graffio non è profondo di solito basta "lisciarlo" con della carta vetrata a grana fine , se invece abbiamo a che fare con una crepa è meglio usare dello stucco bianco allungato con un po' di vinavil , in modo che abbia una consistenza morbida .
Lo si stende con il pennello cercando di farlo penetrare nella crepa, lo si lascia asciugare e quindi si scartavetra per levigarne la superficie.

Io trovo che lo stucco pronto sia molto pratico ma se avete già in casa del gesso in polvere potete usare quello, ricordandovi che oltre all'acqua you add to the mix also vinavil , which leads to commitment on the ceramic surface.

also chipping can be repaired with stucco wall the municipality, which should be spread with the spatula trying to reconstruct the missing piece of pottery. In this case it is better that the product has a higher density . As during drying putty retires and loses volume, you probably need to repeat this process until finally fill the hole, smoothing with sandpaper from one phase to another.

Optionally you can also paint stucco with a little 'tempering to make it more like the tone of the area in which it is applied (but remember that the color change after drying, then do some test first!)

© Rossana Radaelli-06.09. 06

Spectrobes Beyond The Portals Gamefaqs

Sylvia Thomson, artist "cum laude"

a decorator and teacher who can truly boast a resume worthy of note

There are those who are dedicated to the art impulse, following the inspiration of the moment, and those who prefer to take a long apprenticeship to acquire all the expertise that requires artistic discipline.
are two different ways, both valid, to face the same situation and the preference for one or the other depends mainly on the individual character.

Sylvia Thomson chose the second method, the most laborious, and his perseverance was rewarded: the list of certificates of membership to various international associations of decoration is one of the most complete I've ever to see by turning to the Net!

arrived in Canada from his native England , in the '60s , Thomson has always shown a strong predisposition for drawing and painting : think that instead of just read her daughter traditional tales of childhood, as would any other mother, Sylvia Giel refresh all comic!

Beyond official recognition that he achieved in time, visiting his website and admiring examples of his work has the distinct feeling of having to do with a person who knows her and that it correctly learned the technique on display thanks to studies with major American and Brazilian masters .

Perhaps suffers a bit 'the style, which has special connotations: Sylvia's paintings resemble those of dozens of other painters who paint with the same procedures, but contrary to what one might think, this is not a defect for those dedicated for years, mainly teaching!


href=""> Sylder Studio, the atelier

© Radaelli-Ross 21:06:07

Cindy Crawford Collection

The Children Are Watching Us ...

... and often try to imitate, not the neghiamogli chance to experience so rewarding and educational activities such as painting on porcelain!

rivers of ink have been consumed-both material and virtual! - to explain the importance of the expression Art in the evolution of our educational puppies.

Personally I do not have the necessary expertise to tackle the subject from the scientific point of view, however, like many other mothers, I checked in practice how important it is for small to give free rein to their imagination messing with brushes and paints.

And if your family has already an adult or an elder brother paints, comes into play a strong psychological stimulus that pushes the child to imitate the gestures of who is greater to feel ... larger itself.

Here, then, that if the mom, dad, grandmother or whatever .... altro adulto che il bimbo conosce e frequenta sono soliti decorare la porcellana, è molto probabile che prima o poi ci si trovi a dover affrontare la fatidica richiesta del "voglio farlo anch'io!" ...
Come comportarsi in questo caso?

Molti sono convinti che la pittura su porcellana non sia adatta ai bambini , un po' per l'oggettiva laboriosità che richiede la preparazione dei colori e un po' per il presunto rischio alla salute legato all'inalazione accidentale della polvere di colore.

Io credo tuttavia che con il ricorso ai colori in godet e con un minimo d'attenzione ci si possa mettere al riparo da qualsiasi inconveniente, regalando così ai nostri children or grandchildren the chance to experience the most rewarding activity.

Have you noticed that they are proud and pleased when our budding artists hang on the walls of their home design? Imagine, then, that joy would be for them to drink the milk in a cup that they painted themselves!


easy easy to copy ideas

© Radaelli-Ross 20:06:06

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Best Upconverting Bluray Players

donkey kong

luciano Fabal
donkey kong - oil on canvas 30 x 30 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sample Church Contribution Letter

BABEL 80 ARTISTS 80 LANGUAGES - December 15, 2010

Wednesday, December 15 will be held at the headquarters of Horse mackerel lane 5, the collective "Babel" 80 artists in comparison. The intent is to saturate the walls of the exhibition space with works of small and medium format. Putting in this way in close physical contact different forms of expression. Featured artists:
Abbate, Angels, Antohi, M. Attardi, U. Attardi, Bacelon, Bachis, Baruchello, Basil, Benedict, Berlingeri, Blumenthal, Bolcato, Bucchi, Bellucci, Bontempi, Campanella, P. Cano, Caputo, Carroll, Cascella, Ceron, Clerici, Cimino, Ciuti, Colibazzi, Contavalli, Corpora, Cozzucoli, Dosa, Echaurren, Fabal, Fioroni, Francalancia, Faccioli, Festa, Giglio, Gioia, Guarienti, Guatelli, Lattanzio, Lorenzetti, Mafonso, Magistri, Manera, Marè, Mathieu, Meek, Melecchi, Milana, Mileto, Montanarini, Mura, Nardi, Pace, Paladino, Palmieri, Parres, Pascali, Pellaton, Perrotta, Petrucci, Piccolo, Pisani, Pistillo, Pizzicannella, Querzoli, Ricci, Roscioli, Sansoni, Schifano, Sirello, Sironi, Spagnoli, Strazza, Sughi, Tagliaferri, Talarico, Tulli, Villalta Marzi, Valente, Vespignani, Ziveri.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Paint Volleyball Playground

stone_D (project development) - part design

luciano fabale  stone_D (galleggiante)  - 2008
Progetto published in the September 2009 issue of the magazine of architecture "Octagon "

PHASE meta
This is the stage where the designer has to identify an emerging need in the target reference has not yet become aware. This need is not obvious and not very experienced, it is not easy to spot.
To be able to identify emerging needs, you need a good workout observation and analysis.
needs are often perceived as problems to which the designer must find a resolution.
A good meta-search is essential for the development of a good concept .

Located on you need to begin developing the concept that can solve the problem. The concept will be the one best able to resolve the problem with ease.
prototype development
Once you choose the best concept for the solution of the problem is preparing a prototype to evaluate the physical, dimensional, tactile. Good design can not be separated from the prototype. E 'in this phase occurring qualities and defects of the product. Quality and defects that can not be verified on the drawing board. If the project is the prototype will not do any good if the project is poor on the prototype will come out of the defects. The defects may be operating, but also the assembly. If the prototype is not assembled or not working we will review the project. So it is unthinkable that we can move to the execution phase without first prototype and test the project.

Size: H 45 cm, L 180 cm, 180 cm P
Materiale:  polietilene alta densità HDPE
Peso:  circa 100 kg
Sistema di ancoraggio:
  1. (singoli elementi al suolo/fondale)  con sistema di ancoraggio Seaflex
  2. (tutti gli elementi alla banchina)  con pali metallici (sistema utilizzato sulle rive del tevere dai barconi) o con guide che seguono la linea dell'argine
Use: As bench in situations of dry soil, such as barge or platform in case of soil stuck or overflow of the river
Users: People who want to reach the shore of River, even under the river swamp, or want to forward

Luciano Fabal