Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cervical Mucus Stop After Fertilization

ON THE LAW OF THE MURPHY posted by Mentalsaw

Dear visitors, a reckless mental wanker, this Mentalsaw , decided to inaugurate the post of the blog by sending the first fruit of what I hope will be a large harvest of mental masturbations. As promised, his remarks in full public:

"I have talked about Murphy's Law ... but will be consistent or not? That is, they fall in contradiction or not? We try to understand. That's what we know (some of the definitions in following are taken from famous multimedia encyclopedia):

Murphy's First Law: "If something can go wrong it will. "
Murphy's Second Law:" If you try to avoid Murphy's First Law, it falls within the First Law of Murphy. "

It remains understood that the First Law applies to everyone, including the First Law Murphy's ... It is here that a paradox seems to arise. Will this really happen? We explain the paradox if you need a moment: Before applying the law to itself, even before the law "goes wrong" is not functioning, that is the First Law also states implicitly that it is itself false. We try to avoid the paradox, stating from scratch (ie totally random) the

Murphy's Third Law: "The First Law of Murphy applies to everything except the First Murphy's Law. "

does not work! Why? Because in this way should I apply the First Law to the Third, and then the third does not work. So the third is as if there were, I apply the First Law to the First Law and falls in the previous paradox. Thus changing the

Murphy's Third Law (second attempt) : "The First Murphy's Law applies to everything except the First, Second, Third and Murphy's Law."

Now the Third Law " protects "the first two, as well as herself, from the First Law of Murphy. You can see a new problem: the Third Law is "self" that refers to itself, creating a sea of \u200b\u200bproblems. To resolve this, I could always put it differently:

Murphy's Third Law (third attempt): "The First Murphy's Law applies to everything except the First and Second Law of Murphy."
Fourth Murphy's Law "The First Murphy's Law does not apply to the Third Law of Murphy."

understand that the problem is not solved ...'s Third Law protects the first two, the Fourth protects the Third, but who protects the Fourth?

Fifth Murphy's Law: "Murphy's first law does not apply to the Fourth Law of Murphy."
Sixth Murphy's Law : "The First Murphy's Law does not apply to the Fifth Murphy's Law."
Seventh Murphy's Law: "Murphy's first law does not apply to the Sixth Murphy's Law."

... So you do not end ever! At least now we know that everything we have said above does not work, and we can start from scratch, with the first two laws ...

Murphy's First Law: "If anything, except for Murphy's Second Law can go wrong will do so .
Murphy's Second Law: "If you try to avoid Murphy's First Law, it falls within the First Law of Murphy. The First Murphy's Law does not applica alla Prima Legge di Murphy.”

Forse ci siamo! Le due Leggi si proteggono a vicenda dalla Prima Legge…e non si possono enunciare altre Leggi perché ricadrebbero nella Prima, e quindi non funzionerebbero. Questo sì che ci semplifica la vita!

In realtà, le due Leggi che sembrano così perfette si contraddicono!! La Prima dice che solo la Seconda funziona, e la Seconda dice che anche la Prima funziona, e nega quindi la Prima. Se cade la Prima cade anche la Seconda, e il nostro problema non è risolto. Ma cosa vi aspettavate?? Questa sega mentale era destinata a fallire da subito, per via della Prima Legge di Murphy!

I leave you with these two statements:
1) Things will get worse before they get better.

2) Who says that things will get better!? "

Mentalsaw and I thank you all say," what are you waiting to imitate him? "


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