Sunday, May 11, 2008

Best Adapters For Spain

Milestones 9: Ten years of old in the modern "origin

Friendship with the formidable archaeologist Messina Alessio Toscano Raffa allows us to raise a new tone and a new item in this blog, dedicated to Messina and Cape Pelorus, archeology, history, nature and the laws of this territory.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, editor and expert aurantia "technical" Messina of antiquities, works with the Free Press "Office Shows," for which manages the heading "Milestones."
Courtesy of his Office Shows and these contributions also quoted in full on "Pheraimon.

16 and May 17 at the Cine-Theatre Giardini Naxos City will host the tenth edition of the Review of Classic Culture "Extramoenia - The ancient in the modern, sponsored by the Culture of Giardini Naxos. The aim of the event is the communication of classical culture in its various meanings in a key that looks to the categories of modern and forms of artistic communication, leaving the interpretation of ancient fences strictly academic. Several players around which, every year, rotating the activities of the event, with the theme "Classic at the end of the millennium of the first edition in 1999," Rome European identity " in 2005, to the theme of the 2008 "I and / is the other." Two intense days, with events emit themes, images, suggestions, from the ancient world, made accessible to the general public by charismatic figures of the national cultural landscape. This year the guest of honor will be the writer Valerio Massimo Manfredi. With him, academics and other prominent members of the culture. During the event will be awarded the "Premio Teocle for classical culture" is intended to personalities who have contributed to enhancing, preserving and promoting cultural heritage classic. The ceremony will take place Saturday, May 17 at 20:30 e sarà presentata dalla prof. Fulvia Toscano, ideatrice e direttore artistico della manifestazione, e dal “nostro” Giuseppe D’Avella. Saranno premiati tra gli altri il Prof. Ernesto De Miro, insigne archeologo, in passato docente presso l’Università di Messina, e il prof. Lorenzo Braccesi, storico di fama internazionale. Confermare l’entusiasmo e la partecipazione degli studenti universitari e dei licei della provincia, questa la sfida, vinta da Extramoenia negli anni passati. Per superare il paradigma culturale accademico, sterile e inutilmente elitario, per una trasmissione del bagaglio di segni e idee lasciatoci dal mondo classico che arrivi al cuore ed alla mente di tutti, soprattutto dei giovani.

Alessio Toscano Raffa


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