Friendship with the formidable archaeologist Messina Alessio Toscano Raffa allows us to raise a new tone and a new item in this blog, dedicated to Messina and Cape Pelorus, at 'archeology, history, nature and the laws of this territory.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, editor and expert aurantia "technical" Messina of antiquities, works with the Free Press "Office Shows," for which manages the heading "Milestones."
Courtesy of his Office Shows and these contributions also quoted in full on "Pheraimon.
During work on the construction of the building to house the Prefecture of Messina in 1914, covered by a thick alluvial bench due to continuous flooding del torrente Boccetta, emersero i resti di un’area cimiteriale, parte della grande necropoli romana della città. L’esigenza di ricostruire in fretta gli edifici dopo le devastazioni del 1908 non consentì, tuttavia, di svolgere un’adeguata indagine dei ritrovamenti, esplorati dal grande archeologo Paolo Orsi prima di essere inglobati nelle fondazioni della Prefettura. L’area fu denominata necropoli di S. Placido perché legata alla vicenda del monaco trucidato a Messina insieme ai suoi fratelli nell’anno 541 d.C. dal generale saraceno Mamuca. Le reliquie dei martiri secondo la tradizione furono sepolte per essere poi dimenticate nel tempo. Nel 1588, durante i lavori di ampliamento della chiesa di San Giovanni Gerosolimitano, adjacent to the Prefecture, was found a tomb of m 5X3 "encrusted with marbles, placed inside an enclosure. The discovery was described and illustrated by F. Gotha in 1591 (in the picture drawn by the plant Gotha). Of the four bodies are placed inside the tomb one wore on his chest a jar containing a language (according to legend detached S. Placido before being killed). The spatial characteristics of the tomb reported by Gotha found a perfect match with the findings of the Bear. However, the burial ground was used between I-III sec. AD, some three centuries before the presence of S. Placido in Messina. The area explored was originally made up of a series of rectangular enclosures used as collective tombs, the central part of which usually contained a kiosk decorated with stucco. Over time the soil is distributed all kinds of tombs and sarcophagi made mattonacci, most often painted red, marked out by mounds and tombstones. Have been identified in total 18 cases of 140 burials and cremation, as we shall see next on the U.S., the findings have provided unique information about the characters who enlivened our city over the centuries of the empire ...
Alessio Toscano Raffa
Courtesy of his Office Shows and these contributions also quoted in full on "Pheraimon.

During work on the construction of the building to house the Prefecture of Messina in 1914, covered by a thick alluvial bench due to continuous flooding del torrente Boccetta, emersero i resti di un’area cimiteriale, parte della grande necropoli romana della città. L’esigenza di ricostruire in fretta gli edifici dopo le devastazioni del 1908 non consentì, tuttavia, di svolgere un’adeguata indagine dei ritrovamenti, esplorati dal grande archeologo Paolo Orsi prima di essere inglobati nelle fondazioni della Prefettura. L’area fu denominata necropoli di S. Placido perché legata alla vicenda del monaco trucidato a Messina insieme ai suoi fratelli nell’anno 541 d.C. dal generale saraceno Mamuca. Le reliquie dei martiri secondo la tradizione furono sepolte per essere poi dimenticate nel tempo. Nel 1588, durante i lavori di ampliamento della chiesa di San Giovanni Gerosolimitano, adjacent to the Prefecture, was found a tomb of m 5X3 "encrusted with marbles, placed inside an enclosure. The discovery was described and illustrated by F. Gotha in 1591 (in the picture drawn by the plant Gotha). Of the four bodies are placed inside the tomb one wore on his chest a jar containing a language (according to legend detached S. Placido before being killed). The spatial characteristics of the tomb reported by Gotha found a perfect match with the findings of the Bear. However, the burial ground was used between I-III sec. AD, some three centuries before the presence of S. Placido in Messina. The area explored was originally made up of a series of rectangular enclosures used as collective tombs, the central part of which usually contained a kiosk decorated with stucco. Over time the soil is distributed all kinds of tombs and sarcophagi made mattonacci, most often painted red, marked out by mounds and tombstones. Have been identified in total 18 cases of 140 burials and cremation, as we shall see next on the U.S., the findings have provided unique information about the characters who enlivened our city over the centuries of the empire ...
Alessio Toscano Raffa