Sunday, November 15, 2009

Playing Cabal Using Internet Proxy

La Roccia

Per roccia si intende un aggregato naturale di minerali cristallini e/o amorfi, particelle e solidi di vario tipo; le rocce sono sostanze non esprimibili con una formula chimica e generalmente formano masse ben individuabili.
A seconda del processo che dà loro origine le rocce vengono distinte in tre grandi categorie: The
magmatic rocks are igneous rocks also known as generated by cooling of magma, a molten silicate mass containing volatile elements (water, carbon dioxide, acids, hydrogen, etc ...) giving it fluidity and speed up chemical reactions. These rocks are in turn subdivided, depending on the speed and location of the cooling of magma, in plutonic or intrusive igneous rocks, extrusive or volcanic, or ipoabissali filoniane: the first formed in the earth's crust or in part highest mantle and are characterized by a slow cooling promotes the growth of crystals in them (about 150 thousand years), typical of such rocks are granite and quartz-diorite, but the latter are formed after an eruption or a lava flow and therefore undergo a rapid cooling (about a year) that "freezes "Part of the rock in an amorphous state. They are composed of microcrystalline bottom paste, and their structure is glass. Examples are basalt the porphyry and pumice. Then there are the rocks or filoniane ipoabissali, which solidified below the earth's surface, but in small cavities, have a fast enough cooling. Igneous rocks constitute the large majority of the crust and mantle. Examples are the basalt, the granite the diorite. The
sedimentary rocks are the rocks generated sedimentation of debris, inorganic, organic and mineral salts, consolidated by the subsequent or simultaneous deposition of a cementing substance. This is, in essence, lithified ancient sediments as a result of stages of weathering, erosion, transportation and sedimentation. They are the most common rocks on Earth's surface because they cover more than 80% of the land. Examples are the ' sandstone, the limestone the dolomite. The
metamorphic rocks are sedimentary or igneous rocks that have been portate in condizioni di ( pressione e temperatura ) diverse da quelle presenti al momento della litificazione della roccia. In seguito a questi cambiamenti la roccia subisce trasformazioni chimiche e fisiche che ne alterano ad esempio la composizione mineralogica . Alcuni esempi sono l'alabastro e il marmo.
Regole fondamentali
Quando si studiano le rocce, sono tre le regole fondamentali da tenere a mente:
Il principio di Lloyd , cioè le rocce si formano oggi con le stesse modalità con cui si sono formate in passato: temperatura, pressione, acqua, ossigeno e anidride carbonica agiscono sempre nello stesso modo.
Rocce di diversa origine e dalle diverse caratteristiche may be in close contact.
The nature of a rock depends not only on its origin, but also the circumstances in which it comes into being.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Hiv Symptoms Pins Needles

Le rocce

To Rock means a natural aggregate of mineral crystalline or amorphous, and solid particles of various kinds, the rocks are not expressible substances with a chemical formula identifiable and generally well-formed masses.

rock types
Depending on the process that gives them the source rocks are divided into three broad categories:

  • The magmatic rocks are igneous rocks also known as generated by cooling of magma , a mass of molten silicate containing volatile elements: water, carbon dioxide, acids, hydrogen, etc ...) giving it fluidity and speed up chemical reactions. These rocks are in turn subdivided, depending on the speed and location of the cooling of magma, in plutonic or intrusive igneous rocks, extrusive or volcanic, or ipoabissali filoniane: the first formed in the earth's crust or in part highest mantle and are characterized by a slow cooling promotes the growth of crystals in them (about 150,000 years), typical of such rocks are granite and quartz-diorite, and the latter instead formed after an eruption or a lava flow and therefore undergo a rapid cooling (about a year) that "freezes" the rock in a state amorphous. They are composed of microcrystalline bottom paste, and their structure is glass. Examples are basalt the porphyry and pumice. Then there are the rocks or filoniane ipoabissali, which solidified below the earth's surface, but in small cavities, have a fast enough cooling. Igneous rocks constitute the large majority of the crust and mantle. Examples are the basalt, the granite the diorite.

  • The sedimentary rocks were generated for sedimentation of debris, inorganic, organic and mineral salts, consolidated the subsequent or simultaneous deposition of a cementing substance. This is, in essence, lithified ancient sediments as a result of stages of weathering, erosion, transportation and sedimentation. They are the most common rocks on Earth's surface because they cover more than 80% of the land. Examples are the ' sandstone, the limestone , the dolomite

  • The metamorphic rocks are sedimentary or igneous rocks that have been made in terms of ( pressure and temperature ) different from those present for the lithification of the rock. Following these changes, the rock undergoes chemical and physical transformations that alter the mineralogical composition, for example. Examples include, alabaster and marble.

Piccionelli Carmelo Palumbo

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Can't Get A Boner Because Of Herpes

Some video of "Archaeology" of the city of Messina

taken from MessinaWebTv

Women Strangling Lcips

Milestones 21: Talking Stones in Taormina

Friendship with the formidable archaeologist Messina Alessio Toscano Raffa allows us to raise a new tone and a new item in this blog, dedicated to Messina and Cape Pelorus, archeology, history, nature and the laws of this territory.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, redattore di AurAntica ed esperto conoscitore "tecnico" delle antichità messinesi, collabora con il Free Press "Ufficio Spettacoli", per il quale gestisce la rubrica "Pietre Miliari".
Per concessione sua e di Ufficio Spettacoli riportiamo per intero questi contributi anche su "Pheraimon".

Ci troviamo a Taormina, alle spalle della chiesa di S Caterina, nei pressi del celebre Palazzo Corvaja, qualche metro dopo la c.d. Porta Messina. Here you can appreciate the monumental remains of a Hellenistic temple and a small theater, ' odeion . For several days, with the permission of the Superintendent of Messina, in the area is being a fervent archaeological research conducted by a team led by University of Messina prof. Country Lorenzo, Professor of Ancient Topography at the Faculty of Humanities. Goal of archaeologists is to study, develop and promote the stones, to steal information from the layers of earth and material remains stored inside. The essays stratigraphic running involving, specifically, the remains of the Hellenistic temple which is preserved in situ a significant part of the base made of local limestone and worked well characterized by three rows of bleachers. Some rich architectural decoration in marble, with kymation by reason of leaves and eggs, showing an ancient elegance. The monuments were unearthed in 1892, with excavation methods now fully overcome, and then there were more suspects. For these reasons, many factors remain unclear and are waiting to be deciphered.
Archaeologists, therefore, we ask questions and expect answers from the layers and structures and function of the dating evidence preserved. Some impressions on the blocks that formed the base of the sacred document the existence of a peristyle, a colonnade that surrounded the cell. Part of a column is still visible inside the area. The new surveys are intended to establish a precise dating of the temple of ' odeion . and the relationship between the two buildings. L ' odeion . In fact, built entirely in brick, was built in imperial and covers part of the base of the temple, the oldest, whose structures were re-used to make the small theater scene. The writer is in this picturesque place, surrounded by a whirlwind of questions, along with colleagues and young students, hoping to mute but not interact with stones to trap rocks "talking" "Milestones" to reconstruct the story of a famous center of which so little is known about the identity of the oldest.

Alessio Toscano Raffa

Cloud Thick White Cervical Mucus

Milestones 20: Muro Leccese, Cologne Messina

Friendship with the formidable archaeologist Messina Alessio Toscano Raffa allows us to raise a new tone and a new item in this blog, dedicated to Messina and Cape Pelorus, archeology, history, nature and the laws of this territory.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, editor and expert aurantia "technical" Messina of antiquities, works with the Free Press "Office Shows" per il quale gestisce la rubrica "Pietre Miliari".
Per concessione sua e di Ufficio Spettacoli riportiamo per intero questi contributi anche su "Pheraimon".

Capita di trovarsi “turisti per caso” a Muro Leccese, un piccolo centro del Salento, con un borgo medievale che apparentemente non mostrerebbe alcuna relazione con Messina. Eppure il potere della storia e della comunicazione artistica crea legami impensabili, riservando piacevoli sorprese. Muro Leccese attraversò un periodo di floridezza legato alla famiglia dei Protonobilissimo che vi regnò dal XV sec. sino al 1774. The area is dominated by the Prince's Palace, the residence of Protonobilissimo, home to the first museum of medieval southern Italy.
In reality it would be more appropriate to speak of eco-museum, intended as a global space characterized by narrow streets and ancient buildings fully integrated with the modern landscape. Among the evidence of the Village, the eye of a Messina, stand the remains of the Olive Press Protonobilissmo and not for a specific interest in oil production.
is a trappeto underground dating back to 1602. The interior walls of the building shows a unique series of graffiti made by the workers of the mill, the trappetari, which are depicted in detail episodes depicting the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.

Here the Christian fleet of the Holy League, led by Don John of Austria, left the port of Messina, defeated the armies of Ali Pasha, resisting Ottoman expansion in the West. I could not believe my eyes! In a small town in the province of Lecce, I came across in the depiction of graffiti with the view of the Messina Strait crowded with warships and fish. Represented on the city walls, the graffiti artist has had a banner which bears the inscription "Missin '.
But who made these images? A nostalgic Messina arrived in Puglia Protonobilissimo to work for? Someone who took part in the Battle of Lepanto which was inscribed the concentration of ships on the Strait and the powerful view of our walled city? In the absence of data I can not find an immediate answer to my questions but I walk away from this underground satisfied vision.
Ironically, walk a hundred yards inside the village and shows me the entry of a modern house on the door that performs the symbol of Trinacria terracotta

... But I'm in Sicily or Apulia Muro Leccese?

Alessio Toscano Raffa

Friday, March 27, 2009

How Muchdoes Carmax Make

Il buco nell'ozono

Matina John

Underwater Landscape High Resolution

L'atmosfera terrestre

Matina John

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Waffle Mix Measurements

Milestones 19: That rascal Verre

Friendship with the formidable archaeologist Alessio Toscano Messina Raffa allows us to raise a new tone and a new item in this blog, dedicated to Messina and Cape Pelorus, archeology, history, nature and the laws of this territory.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, editor and expert aurantia "technical" Messina of antiquities, works with the Free Press "Office Shows," for which manages the heading "Milestones."
Courtesy of his Office Shows and these contributions also quoted in full on "Pheraimon.

In 70 BC Cicero former superintendent of Sicily, decided to accommodate the pressing demands of the Sicilians who had turned to him to end the constant harassment of Verres, governor of Rome on the island, accused of extortion against the city and private. Verre naturally sought help from powerful friends so impeded the investigation, trying in vain to bribe the same Cicero. The trial took place in 69 BC The great orator, was aware of the difficulties encountered in such a man in sight, the first day of trial, rather than to pronounce a long harangue about the guilt of the accused, took all by surprise by the immediate reading witnesses for the prosecution and defense would ruin all. The process si risolse, infatti, con la condanna di Verre. Le ruberie di opere d’arte compiute da Verre in Sicilia sono descritte nella quarta orazione dell’actio II delle Verrine, il “De Signis”.

Tra le numerose vittime è celebre l’episodio del patrizio messinese C. Heius Mamertinus , ragguardevole rappresentante della città, raccontato con dovizia di particolari. Egli possedeva all’interno della sua ricca dimora, forse, dove oggi sorgono le Quattro Fontane, dei capolavori della scultura greca che richiamavano nella sua casa numerosi visitatori. Quando Verre fu suo ospite si impadronì di quattro preziosissimi esemplari: un Ercole di Mirone (autore Discobolo), two canefore Policleto and a cupid of the famous sculptor Praxiteles, the latter work was even afforded the city of Rome to be exhibited in the Forum during the Ludi of 99 BC
Verre worried well 'formalize' the extortion, forcing our unfortunate fellow citizens to sign a bill of sale for a figure absolutely ridiculous. Heius was not the only victim of Verres in the Straits, even Arcagato of Alunzio, Q. Cecilio Dione tindaritani of Hales and many, including Pompey, were robbed. To be sure, a deposit will be returned to the silver plate on which he had just had lunch but not before they stripped him of the precious figures that decorated. As if the troubled history of our city were not enough to make it difficult for the knowledge and the recovery of the national artistic heritage, the actions of various "Verre", that lasted to this day, do nothing but aggravate the situation ...

Alessio Toscano Raffa

Long Term Effect Of Pulmonary Hypertension

18 Milestones: The Antiquarian Palazzo Zanca

Friendship with the formidable archaeologist Messina Alessio Toscano Raffa allows us to raise a new tone and a new item in this blog, dedicated to Messina and Cape Pelorus, archeology , history, nature and the laws of this territory.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, editor and expert aurantia "technical" Messina of antiquities, works with the Free Press "Office Shows," for which manages the heading "Milestones."
Courtesy of his Office Shows and these contributions also quoted in full on "Pheraimon.

Messina suddenly reveals a strong cultural role? Maybe it's a bit 'early to be sure but initiatives such as the "Night of Culture on February 14 document a deep desire to discover the city's heritage. Among the events that night was inaugurated on the small but well-structured, Antiquarium Palazzo Zanca.

In some panels depicting various stages of the excavation of the courtyard of City Hall, found the buildings, their history and purpose, and are exposed the most significant pottery fragments and fauna. Inside City Hall says major stratigraphic sequence of materials and structures chronological age to the modern Roman-imperial passing through late antiquity and the Middle Ages. This historical period is the most documented with the discovery of a large urban section of Messina medieval set the crossing of two roads. The excavated areas have returned ceramic tableware, kitchen or for storing food dating from the twelfth to the fifteenth century, some locally produced other import from Puglia and from North Africa to the XII-XIII, the Italian peninsula Iberian and the XIV-XV.

For the Roman archaeological surveys pointing to the presence of a large monumental building that you read a few ruins and medieval houses in the cement work in a substructure of curvilinear Scibona James led the archaeologist to speculate the presence of an odeon. Nuove indagini potrebbero certamente fornire ulteriori informazioni sui ricchi livelli di età romana.

In attesa di nuove esplorazioni siamo comunque entusiasti di potere usufruire di questo Antiquarium la cui realizzazione non deve essere letta come un punto di arrivo e per cui sarà necessaria una gestione mirata volta alla fruizione. Cogliamo infine l’occasione per aderire all’iniziativa che vorrebbe intitolato l’ Antiquarium all’archeologo recentemente scomparso che ha condotto lo scavo, il compianto Giacomo Scibona .

Alessio Toscano Raffa

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Early Pregnancy Face Rash

atmospheric structure

The atmosphere is composed of different age. In this paper I describe the composition.
The atmosphere is now divided into 4 layers or bands:

tropospheric E 'layer closest to Earth is from 0 to 10 km in height

stratospheric layer between 10 to 50 km high.

mesosphere 50 to 80 km in height.

thermosphere 80 to 500 km in height. Each layer is separated from the other by transition zones that are called:

Tropopause: divides the troposphere from the stratosphere.

stratopause: divide the stratosphere from the mesosphere.

mesopause: divide the mesosphere from the thermosphere.

Starting from 500 km above the layer that begins exosphere which is called the upper limit can not be identified.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Financial Management By Im Pandey Pdf

L'atmosfera terrestre e la sua composizione chimica

L ' Earth's atmosphere is the envelope of gas that covers the planet Earth . It has a complex structure is divided in several layers, which are in order of height: troposphere, stratosphere , mesosphere, ionosphere , exosphere , and its chemical composition media the ground is the following:

  • Nitrogen (N 2 ): 78.08%
  • Oxygen (O 2): 20.95%
  • Argon (Ar): 0.93%
  • water vapor (H 2 O ): 0.33% on average (ranging from approximately 0% to 5-6%)
  • Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ): 0.032% (320 ppm)
  • Neon (Ne): 0.00181% (18 ppm)
  • Helium (He): 0.0005% (5 ppm)
  • Metano  (CH 4 ): 0,0002% (2 ppm)
  • Idrogeno  (H 2 ): 0,00005% (0,5 ppm)
  • Kripton  (Kr): 0,000011% (0,11 ppm)
  • Xeno  (Xe): 0,000008% (0,08 ppm)
  • Ozono  (O 3 ): 0,000004% (0,04 ppm)

are also present in traces Nitrogen oxides (NO, NO 2 , N 2 O), carbon monoxide (CO), Ammonia (NH 3 ) sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ) Hydrogen sulphide (H 2 S).

Matina John

Lung Cancer Age Group


whole class is invited to undertake research, IMAGES, VIDEO AND OTHER TOPIC:

  • HUMIDITY 'And weather

Friday, February 13, 2009

Multilingual Word List

I movimenti della terra

I movimenti della Terra sono tutta quella serie di moti simultanei che incidono su diversi aspetti di natura astronomica e climatica sulla vita del pianeta.

I principali moti che compie la Terra sono:

  • Moto di rotazion e: è il movimento della Terra attorno al suo asse.
  • Moto di rivoluzione : è il movimento della Terra attorno al sole.

ll moto di rotazione che la Terra compie attorno al proprio asse, da ovest verso est, ha la durata di 23h 56m 04s e viene definito giorno sidereo. Poiché ogni punto della Terra compie in un giorno lo stesso giro (di 360°), la velocità angolare è identica a tutte le latitudini.

La Terra percorre, come gli altri pianeti del sistema solare, un'orbita ellittica attorno al Sole (che occupa uno dei due fuochi) in verso antiorario (se osservato dal polo nord celeste). La Terra raggiunge il perielio (il punto dell'orbita caratterizzato dalla minima distanza dal Sole) all'inizio di gennaio, e l'afelio (il punto di massima distanza) ad inizio luglio (si osservi che l'alternarsi delle stagioni non è dovuto al variare della distanza dal Sole, poiché nell'emisfero nord del pianeta la stagione calda coincide con il periodo di massima distanza dal sole).

Matina Giovanni

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Couple's Budget Template

Milestones 17: Immortal Legacy

L'amicizia con the formidable archaeologist Messina Alessio Toscano Raffa allows us to raise a new tone and a new item in this blog, dedicated to Messina and Cape Pelorus, archeology, history, nature and the laws of this territory.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, editor and expert aurantia "technical" Messina of antiquities, works with the Free Press "Office Shows," for which manages the heading "Milestones."
Courtesy of his Office Shows and these contributions also quoted in full on "Pheraimon.

Our book is called "Milestones" and is a real milestone in this issue we speak. The
has suddenly passed away on January 16 Professor James Scibona, an extraordinary figure and close-up in the archaeological world Messina and beyond. A man in our town must be absolutely grateful for the research and protection of the good and the numerous archaeological excavations, with devotion, passion, utmost professionalism and expertise absolutely has done during his successful career.
knows well who over the years has had the opportunity to work with him and experience with as much passion and meticulousness has occupied its studies have helped expand the knowledge about the archaeological history of our country. A life devoted to the study of the ancient world in all its facets, with investigations into every corner of our city: excavations such as that of the isolate 193 (formerly Hotel Venezia), the courtyard of City Hall, street Faranda, the Palace of Culture, Largo Avignon, together with investigations on the territory of Alesa (Tusa) are just some examples of a presence, strong, competent and brilliant that he made a decisive contribution to the reconstruction of our historical memory.
Jobs that are abruptly interrupted, although we are sure that some of them will not remain locked up among the dusty shelves of a library or in a drawer that will never open, but will live perpetually in Messina that every citizen will want to know their origins. His wry smile in perfect harmony with its authority figure, the quality of his research and his great insights will live with his teachings on those who had the good fortune to work with him or follow his masterly lectures.

A big thank you comes not only from professionals who are able to provide thanks to the work of a large store of information from which to get ideas for new research, but also by his fellow citizens aware of the contribution key provided for the recovery of the history of our city.

Alessio Toscano Raffa

Sunday, January 18, 2009

How Long Can Abscess Wait

Tree Dragon in Myth and Tradition 15

The Dracaena Draco is a plant known in the past with a unique name, which alludes at once to the ancient magic and wonders. It was the Tree of the Dragon, a mysterious and wonderful human being considered, which could be recorded and leave one of the most precious substance of antiquity: the "Blood of the Dragon."

The wise Romans and Greeks knew that in fact a chemical reagent used in medicine and dye, whose color and whose density, coupled with the miraculous features, made them think of something supernatural and magical, just as the blood of a dragon.

In reality, what merchants, caravans and spices sold in the big cities of the Mediterranean basin as dragon's blood were substances of different origin and nature. There was certainly cinnabar, a mineral from which mercury is extracted through the crystalline form of mercury sulfide. A mixture that was selling counterfeit then marketed to customers less noticed by those who wanted to save was made by ox blood, mountain ash and dust of dry clay.

Most of the loads of dragon's blood "original" (in these cases also called "true dragon's blood" or "cinnabar plant) were made by hand or semi-dried resins extracted from different species of four distinct botanical genera: Pterocarpus, Croton, Daemonorops and, indeed, the Dracaena. Of all these modes, the incision of the trunk of Dracaena Draco the Canary Islands and the Dracaena cinnabari of Socotra (island south of Yemen) was without doubt the most celebrated and widespread source of dragon's blood dell'antchità.

The blood of the dragon was named by some naturalistic texts, as the Periplus maris erythraea, probably written in greek by a merchant of the first century Egypt. AD, De Materia Medica of a physician, pharmacist and botanist Dioscorides Pedanius and the Naturalis Historia of Pliny the Elder. The latter tells the origin, telling the deadly confrontation between an elephant and a dragon and the birth of the plant by mixing the blood of two animals.

Beyond the most colorful legends, the resin of Dracaena was certainly used as a dye and medicinal substances from the mysterious Guanches, the indigenous population (in historical times) in the Canary Islands.

For Orotava on the island of Tenerife, 700 grew in a specimen of Dracaena Draco, the German botanist Von Humboldt describes in his "Pictures of Nature."

studying the dynamics of growth of these plants in that sample, and measuring the size of highly distinguished, Humboldt estimated that it would have approximately 6000 years of life, describing it as being the oldest on the planet at that time . Although this hypothesis has never been confirmed, the dragons of the Canaries, although concrete plants and fantastic animals, are among the most interesting and mysterious beings in Western Europe. They were held in high respect and consideration by the Guanches, who administered some public and religious ceremonies around the base of these giant gray.

The people of Socotra had a preference for the Dracena, who said trees to be benefits that can drive the Djinn (genes, spirits) evil and that connected with many legends about dragons set up quell'esotica lost island. The name of the island, Suqatrah, seems to be a transliteration of the name is Arabic for "market (souq) of dracaenas (qatir)" or the island was known as a large port-market frequented mostly for Dracena and their resin.

Leggiamo da resoconti di leggende locali, che esso veniva chiamato anche l’“albero dei due fratelli”, perché si diceva nato sulla tomba di Abele, ucciso da Caino. Il sangue che ne trasuda ricorderebbe proprio quel mitico episodio biblico. La sua linfa avrebbe per questo il potere di togliere la vita oppure di ridarla.

In maniera più concreta, gli indigeni delle Canarie e di Socotra usavano la resina dell’Albero del Drago come un rimedio per ogni problema della pelle e del sangue, per ferite che tardavano a coagulare, piaghe e febbri, diarrea e dissenteria, ulcere a bocca, stomaco, gola e intestino, perfino per irregolarità menstrual and internal injuries and it was recommended to have an abortion but also for tonic after childbirth.
For the same purposes and for the countless experiments in classical physics, Arab scientists, magicians, Byzantine and Renaissance alchemists it was imported from the Far West European or scattered from the Yemeni island in the Indian Ocean.

The first and most common use of dragon's blood was still very prosaic. It was used as a colorant in the factories that produced textiles, fabrics and clothing. The Dragon's Blood red provided a stronger than that produced by the roots of madder (Rubia tinctorum: The oldest known source for red), but less brilliant vermilion extracted from insects della famiglia Kermesidae e meno cupo e vivido della porpora estratta dai murici.

Con questi ultimi due coloranti il sangue di drago riusciva a competere anche per preziosità, prestigio e difficoltà di reperimento. La resina della Dracena aveva una tonalità forte e stabile, resistente al lavaggio e all’esposizione della luce.

La tintura avveniva in grossi recipienti di argilla o in vasche di conglomerato, nei quali il tessuto veniva immerso in una soluzione di acqua e colorante e agitato diverse volte, mentre il liquido veniva riscaldato fino ad un potenziale punto di ebollizione. Il sangue del drago era una delle cosiddette “grandi tinte”, ovvero dei reagenti most valuable and hard to find, processed by the merchants and dyers most important. It was first soaked in the tanks and fired up to make a dense uniform color and then waited for the tissues or skeins of yarn. The nature of "bite" is not even needed to use other substances fixating during the "etch" and made it an all-round product.

The resin was also used for lacquer, wood dyes, pigments, cosmetics, dyes, eye shadows and lipsticks, dyes, glass, marble and semiprecious stones and other similar uses that the ingenuity of the ancient craftsmen managed to design.

The herbal medicine and were the second application. We have already mentioned the many uses and applications that carried the tradition of the healers, apothecaries and physicians ancient and medieval.

and benches in the cookbooks of the past, the "dragon's blood" was always present alongside all the other popular remedies: herbal extracts, mineral powders, parts unmentionable parts of animals and other more or less magical: oil Mummy, bezoar and venom of scorpions. The tradition of these miraculous features still remains, in recipes wicca, candle and incense in their sensitivity and even new age in American and Haitian voodoo.

Alchemy utilizzava il sangue del drago come uno dei tanti simboli esoterici che si incontrano nel percorso iniziatico che conduce alla realizzazione della Grande Opera. Il rosso della resina di Dracena alludeva alla Rubedo dei filosofi e degli occultisti, quell’itinerario chimico e spirituale che doveva portare l’uomo a superare i conflitti in una sintesi superiore ascendendo a nuovi fasti.

Nel tipico linguaggio ermetico che è proprio dell’alchimia occidentale, il francese Nicolas Flamel così descrive questi passaggi, nella sua Explication des figures hiéroglyphiques:
Il rosso lacca del leone volante, simile al puro e chiaro scarlatto che ha il seme della rossa melagrana, shows that all the stone is made, correct and genuine. Why is it that lion devouring every pure metallic nature, and turns it into real substance, real and pure gold, finer than that of the best mines. Just drag the man out of this vale of tears ..

The Great Work concludes with the bright red of the Philosopher's Stone, the same bright red of the fires that burn nell'Atanor living, the crucible of the alchemist, red and gold, which often allude occultists as symbolic of the substance alchemical processes.

With all this abundance of symbols involved, the dragon trees were even portrayed in the famous and important opere d’arte del passato.
Ne “Il Giardino delle Delizie” di Hyeronimus Bosch, e in particolare nell’immagine visionaria del paradiso, si distingue probabilmente una Dracena, pianta che trova posto, per il geniale pittore perfino nel giardino dell’Eden.

Anche nel “S. Giovanni a Patmos” di Hans Burgkmair, il santo è ritratto tra due palme e, probabilmente, il fusto di una Dracena.

Ultima nota di colore (rosso) è quella che pone una misteriosa e inquietante correlazione tra i draghi delle Canarie e i miti più antichi del mondo greco.
Nel Giardino of the Hesperides, imaginary place, but just identified with the Canary Islands, was a mysterious dragon to guard the golden apples of the wonderful garden of Atlas, a kind of Mediterranean paradise at the borders of the Western world.

If these clues alluding to our Dracaena Draco is not here given to know, but we point out one last mention of this mythologeme located in Rome's famous Piazza Vittorio Porta Alchemic.
on this incredible concentration of alchemical symbols and hieroglyphics, and philosophers', stands out to us a part of the architrave of the epigraph:


"The Dragon of the Hesperides guarded the entrance to the magical garden."