Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Waffle Mix Measurements

Milestones 19: That rascal Verre

Friendship with the formidable archaeologist Alessio Toscano Messina Raffa allows us to raise a new tone and a new item in this blog, dedicated to Messina and Cape Pelorus, archeology, history, nature and the laws of this territory.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, editor and expert aurantia "technical" Messina of antiquities, works with the Free Press "Office Shows," for which manages the heading "Milestones."
Courtesy of his Office Shows and these contributions also quoted in full on "Pheraimon.

In 70 BC Cicero former superintendent of Sicily, decided to accommodate the pressing demands of the Sicilians who had turned to him to end the constant harassment of Verres, governor of Rome on the island, accused of extortion against the city and private. Verre naturally sought help from powerful friends so impeded the investigation, trying in vain to bribe the same Cicero. The trial took place in 69 BC The great orator, was aware of the difficulties encountered in such a man in sight, the first day of trial, rather than to pronounce a long harangue about the guilt of the accused, took all by surprise by the immediate reading witnesses for the prosecution and defense would ruin all. The process si risolse, infatti, con la condanna di Verre. Le ruberie di opere d’arte compiute da Verre in Sicilia sono descritte nella quarta orazione dell’actio II delle Verrine, il “De Signis”.

Tra le numerose vittime è celebre l’episodio del patrizio messinese C. Heius Mamertinus , ragguardevole rappresentante della città, raccontato con dovizia di particolari. Egli possedeva all’interno della sua ricca dimora, forse, dove oggi sorgono le Quattro Fontane, dei capolavori della scultura greca che richiamavano nella sua casa numerosi visitatori. Quando Verre fu suo ospite si impadronì di quattro preziosissimi esemplari: un Ercole di Mirone (autore Discobolo), two canefore Policleto and a cupid of the famous sculptor Praxiteles, the latter work was even afforded the city of Rome to be exhibited in the Forum during the Ludi of 99 BC
Verre worried well 'formalize' the extortion, forcing our unfortunate fellow citizens to sign a bill of sale for a figure absolutely ridiculous. Heius was not the only victim of Verres in the Straits, even Arcagato of Alunzio, Q. Cecilio Dione tindaritani of Hales and many, including Pompey, were robbed. To be sure, a deposit will be returned to the silver plate on which he had just had lunch but not before they stripped him of the precious figures that decorated. As if the troubled history of our city were not enough to make it difficult for the knowledge and the recovery of the national artistic heritage, the actions of various "Verre", that lasted to this day, do nothing but aggravate the situation ...

Alessio Toscano Raffa


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