Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Women Strangling Lcips

Milestones 21: Talking Stones in Taormina

Friendship with the formidable archaeologist Messina Alessio Toscano Raffa allows us to raise a new tone and a new item in this blog, dedicated to Messina and Cape Pelorus, archeology, history, nature and the laws of this territory.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, redattore di AurAntica ed esperto conoscitore "tecnico" delle antichità messinesi, collabora con il Free Press "Ufficio Spettacoli", per il quale gestisce la rubrica "Pietre Miliari".
Per concessione sua e di Ufficio Spettacoli riportiamo per intero questi contributi anche su "Pheraimon".

Ci troviamo a Taormina, alle spalle della chiesa di S Caterina, nei pressi del celebre Palazzo Corvaja, qualche metro dopo la c.d. Porta Messina. Here you can appreciate the monumental remains of a Hellenistic temple and a small theater, ' odeion . For several days, with the permission of the Superintendent of Messina, in the area is being a fervent archaeological research conducted by a team led by University of Messina prof. Country Lorenzo, Professor of Ancient Topography at the Faculty of Humanities. Goal of archaeologists is to study, develop and promote the stones, to steal information from the layers of earth and material remains stored inside. The essays stratigraphic running involving, specifically, the remains of the Hellenistic temple which is preserved in situ a significant part of the base made of local limestone and worked well characterized by three rows of bleachers. Some rich architectural decoration in marble, with kymation by reason of leaves and eggs, showing an ancient elegance. The monuments were unearthed in 1892, with excavation methods now fully overcome, and then there were more suspects. For these reasons, many factors remain unclear and are waiting to be deciphered.
Archaeologists, therefore, we ask questions and expect answers from the layers and structures and function of the dating evidence preserved. Some impressions on the blocks that formed the base of the sacred document the existence of a peristyle, a colonnade that surrounded the cell. Part of a column is still visible inside the area. The new surveys are intended to establish a precise dating of the temple of ' odeion . and the relationship between the two buildings. L ' odeion . In fact, built entirely in brick, was built in imperial and covers part of the base of the temple, the oldest, whose structures were re-used to make the small theater scene. The writer is in this picturesque place, surrounded by a whirlwind of questions, along with colleagues and young students, hoping to mute but not interact with stones to trap rocks "talking" "Milestones" to reconstruct the story of a famous center of which so little is known about the identity of the oldest.

Alessio Toscano Raffa


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