Quando i Greci giunsero a Messina, la città esisteva già da secoli , conosciuta, come lo Stretto su cui sorgeva, come luogo di passaggio fondamentale, di mostri e di leggende. Sulle colline di Camaro e nell'area di Capo Peloro si trovava una consistente presenza di genti della "media età del Rame", appartenenti alla cosiddetta Cultura di Piano Conte, presenti dal III Millennio a.C. e in contatto con le civiltà cicladiche.
L'area fu soggetta quindi alle influenze e alle dominazioni provenienti dalle Isole Eolie, arcipelago che ha espresso una delle culture più important of the late Neolithic period, with the production of the precious volcanic obsidian, trading up in the territories of Central Asia.
The settlement of the Sicilian was the starting point for the greek, which was built between the river and the Bottle & log set, the current Via Tommaso Cannizzaro. The base of the sickle was certainly the place of the port area, while point guard and control of the territory was placed at Montalto and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Shrine of Christ the King also in the area of \u200b\u200bCastellaccio Camaro and the presence of populations premises had to be made to feel, not as a hostile presence, but as a local reference to a trading partnership. In short, the Greeks and other people of similar "Bronze Age and Iron", sailors, merchants, thieves, and in contact with other nodes of their koine ultramarine, were open on the front rotte di scambio del mediterraneo. I Siculi e le altre popolazioni dell'entroterra acquistavano da loro le merci esotiche e straniere e rivendevano materie prime da esportazione.
Il porto falcato rimase comunque il maggiore vanto cittadino, un approdo eccezionale da presidiare per ottenere il controllo dello Stretto , probabilmente non fortificato e senza necessità di moli ma in grado di contenere forse 600 imbarcazioni (Diod. 30 op. cit.).
Capo Peloro era un punto altrettanto famoso della stessa zona falcata e celebrato dalle fonti antiche, luogo di fuochi di segnalazione, punti di controllo e attracco a ridosso del passaggio dello Stretto . The Cape Lakes and the arm of the sea front are present in great detail in the Odyssey and in Hesiod, the oldest Greek literary references we have. Here, among the marshes of the current Ganzirri and Torre Faro, lands haired nymph Peloro adorned with roses of swamp, there was already an ancient temple for these early sources, built in that place in time of myth. From this, rebuilt several times, then ended up coming several columns in the Cathedral and the extraordinary Stones of the Phoenix, coming from Egypt.
Another temple of Poseidon was the place where today stands the oldest Norman church of Messina, of the Santa Annunziata Catalani. An archaic sanctuary was located in Fort San Salvatore, a threefold Temple of Artemis at the present church of caves, a temple of Apollo at the eponymous film and another temple of Poseidon at the Shrine of Dinnammare, to mark the fact that the god of the sea has always been the patron of the city.
A god who also oversees the earthquake, just to be honest ..
testimony of the "ancient and Middle Bronze Age," the Sicilian people or marriage of the second millennium BC are very extensive, both in the area closest to the coast (Via La Farina) is more inside (of the House student). Meanwhile, the attendance for defense of the hills overlooking the harbor is documented for Poggio Paradiso, Annunziata and Higher Gravitelli: high places control of the sea and the coast of Sicily and the Strait of defense against invaders too powerful.
The settlement of the Sicilian was the starting point for the greek, which was built between the river and the Bottle & log set, the current Via Tommaso Cannizzaro. The base of the sickle was certainly the place of the port area, while point guard and control of the territory was placed at Montalto and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Shrine of Christ the King also in the area of \u200b\u200bCastellaccio Camaro and the presence of populations premises had to be made to feel, not as a hostile presence, but as a local reference to a trading partnership. In short, the Greeks and other people of similar "Bronze Age and Iron", sailors, merchants, thieves, and in contact with other nodes of their koine ultramarine, were open on the front rotte di scambio del mediterraneo. I Siculi e le altre popolazioni dell'entroterra acquistavano da loro le merci esotiche e straniere e rivendevano materie prime da esportazione.
Il porto falcato rimase comunque il maggiore vanto cittadino, un approdo eccezionale da presidiare per ottenere il controllo dello Stretto , probabilmente non fortificato e senza necessità di moli ma in grado di contenere forse 600 imbarcazioni (Diod. 30 op. cit.).
Capo Peloro era un punto altrettanto famoso della stessa zona falcata e celebrato dalle fonti antiche, luogo di fuochi di segnalazione, punti di controllo e attracco a ridosso del passaggio dello Stretto . The Cape Lakes and the arm of the sea front are present in great detail in the Odyssey and in Hesiod, the oldest Greek literary references we have. Here, among the marshes of the current Ganzirri and Torre Faro, lands haired nymph Peloro adorned with roses of swamp, there was already an ancient temple for these early sources, built in that place in time of myth. From this, rebuilt several times, then ended up coming several columns in the Cathedral and the extraordinary Stones of the Phoenix, coming from Egypt.
Another temple of Poseidon was the place where today stands the oldest Norman church of Messina, of the Santa Annunziata Catalani. An archaic sanctuary was located in Fort San Salvatore, a threefold Temple of Artemis at the present church of caves, a temple of Apollo at the eponymous film and another temple of Poseidon at the Shrine of Dinnammare, to mark the fact that the god of the sea has always been the patron of the city.
A god who also oversees the earthquake, just to be honest ..
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