Lo Stretto di Messina, per gli aspetti morfologici, può essere rappresentato come un imbuto con la parte più stretta verso nord, in corrispondenza della congiungente ideale Capo Peloro ( Sicilia ) - Torre Cavallo ( Calabria ) to the south, however, this funnel opens gradually to traverse the AER (Calabria). The northern boundary is clearly identifiable, while the South may have a geographical or hydrological significance, which may be considered the ideal line joining Capo Taormina (Sicily ) with Capo d'Armi (Calabria). As hydrological area, including the northern border is much broader and includes the geographic area of \u200b\u200bthe Tyrrhenian Sea between Capo Milazzo , the arc of Aeolian Islands and the coasts of the Gulf of Gioia in Calabria.
With regard to the underwater profile of the Strait, it can be likened to a mountain, whose summit is the "saddle" (Deep 80 -
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