Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Eye Twitching Lasting A Week

Strait and currents. Notes Geographical and submarine

Lo Stretto di Messina, per gli aspetti morfologici, può essere rappresentato come un imbuto con la parte più stretta verso nord, in corrispondenza della congiungente ideale Capo Peloro ( Sicilia ) - Torre Cavallo ( Calabria ) to the south, however, this funnel opens gradually to traverse the AER (Calabria). The northern boundary is clearly identifiable, while the South may have a geographical or hydrological significance, which may be considered the ideal line joining Capo Taormina (Sicily ) with Capo d'Armi (Calabria). As hydrological area, including the northern border is much broader and includes the geographic area of \u200b\u200bthe Tyrrhenian Sea between Capo Milazzo , the arc of Aeolian Islands and the coasts of the Gulf of Gioia in Calabria.

With regard to the underwater profile of the Strait, it can be likened to a mountain, whose summit is the "saddle" (Deep 80 - 120 meters along the line joining Ganzirri - Punta Pezzo ), whose opposing sides have very different slopes. In this course, the fund has a median line irregular, with a maximum depth of 115 m , which divides a Western (near Ganzirri ) characterized by deep incisions to the east of Punta Pezzo, deeper, level. Characteristic of the northern sector of the Strait is the wide valley Scilla , with a more profound and steep (about 200 m ). The valley begins to flatten and then become less steep towards the Tyrrhenian Sea, where is called the Basin Palmi . The side walls of the valley, deep and steep, rising sharply, giving the cross section to form a "U". Wide and irregular depression, less incised (Valle di Messina), having also section ad "U", si riscontra nella parte meridionale. A profondità superiori ai 500 m , la Valle di Messina si stringe divenendo più profonda e dando origine ad un ripido canyon sottomarino (Canyon di Messina) che si protende fino alla piana batiale dello Ionio . Dal versante tirrenico siciliano, il fondo marino degrada lentamente fino a raggiungere i 1.000 m nell’area di Milazzo e, per trovare la batimetrica dei 2.000 m , si deve oltrepassare l’Isola di Stromboli . Nella parte meridionale (Mare Ionio ), invece, the slope is very steep and not far from the "seat" you can record the depth of 500 m between the cities of Messina and Reggio Calabria , beyond the widely just over 1,200 m in South (Punta Pellaro) to reach the 2,000 m joining the center of the ideal Capo Taormina - Capo d'Armi .


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