Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bed Wetting And Testicular Cancer


Cari amici, come avete potuto vedere, il blog langue a causa di esami università (ed un'attenta revisione delle seghe mentali che vi vogliamo proporre); tuttavia riporto una sega mentale non eccelsa a mero titolo di esempio: QUANTO SONO ALTI I PUFFI? La nota sigla afferma che l'altezza degli ometti blu corrisponde a "due mele o poco più". La definizione è quanto mai incerta: infatti a quale fra le oltre 2000 cultivar di mele dobbiamo riferirci? A seconda della cultivar scelta, che altezza raggiunge il puffo? Inoltre, l'altezza fra puffo e puffo può variare considerably by age (over large baby Smurf Smurf), gender (Smurfette than in private), etc.. To simplify a bit 'life we \u200b\u200brefer to our rumination to the "average adult smurf" (abstract object ambiguous as much as the' average man adult "and exotic as the" spherical cow of uniform density), comparing two apples of the same cultivar among those listed in Regulation (EC) No 85/2004 of 15 January 2004 laying down the marketing standard for apples (1). The regulation which stipulates that the varieties to be marketed "in large fruits" (ie all the varieties listed in the appendix to the regulations) must avere un calibro minimo -calcolato come il diametro della sezione normale all'asse del frutto- di 65 mm per la categoria I e II e 70mm per la categoria extra. Quindi, assumendo il valore medio fra i due (67,5 mm) come "diametro di mela standard"(2) dobbiamo calcolare l'altezza della mela standard: dal sito possiamo ricavare che il rapporto altezza/diametro della varietà golden delicious da loro venduta è sempre superiore a 0,9; cioè l'altezza dei frutti è compresa fra un massimo di 67,5 mm ed un minimo (non raggiungibile) di 60,75mm.Come prima facciamo la media fra i due valori estremi per ottenere the 'high standard of apple "so we get a standard height of apple 64.125 mm.Da here follows that the average adult is tall smurf 128.25 mm, while the height of the Smurf" effective "adult can vary from a maximum of 135 to a minimum out of reach of 121.5 mm.

____________ Note: (1) the choice to liken it to the apple varieties listed here is arbitrary but is justified by the fact that this regulation is the only source of information in my possession on the diameter of the apples. The choice instead of following the class to use two large fruits and apples of the same cultivar is totally arbitrary.
(2) The standard of apple cultivars is a more abstract object, identified as ripe apple in size with the average size of apple cultivars and as real as those peculiar characteristics of the cultivar.

by Alex

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

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City 3: first met

Quando i Greci giunsero a Messina, la città esisteva già da secoli , conosciuta, come lo Stretto su cui sorgeva, come luogo di passaggio fondamentale, di mostri e di leggende. Sulle colline di Camaro e nell'area di Capo Peloro si trovava una consistente presenza di genti della "media età del Rame", appartenenti alla cosiddetta Cultura di Piano Conte, presenti dal III Millennio a.C. e in contatto con le civiltà cicladiche.
L'area fu soggetta quindi alle influenze e alle dominazioni provenienti dalle Isole Eolie, arcipelago che ha espresso una delle culture più important of the late Neolithic period, with the production of the precious volcanic obsidian, trading up in the territories of Central Asia.
testimony of the "ancient and Middle Bronze Age," the Sicilian people or marriage of the second millennium BC are very extensive, both in the area closest to the coast (Via La Farina) is more inside (of the House student). Meanwhile, the attendance for defense of the hills overlooking the harbor is documented for Poggio Paradiso, Annunziata and Higher Gravitelli: high places control of the sea and the coast of Sicily and the Strait of defense against invaders too powerful.

The settlement of the Sicilian was the starting point for the greek, which was built between the river and the Bottle & log set, the current Via Tommaso Cannizzaro. The base of the sickle was certainly the place of the port area, while point guard and control of the territory was placed at Montalto and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Shrine of Christ the King also in the area of \u200b\u200bCastellaccio Camaro and the presence of populations premises had to be made to feel, not as a hostile presence, but as a local reference to a trading partnership. In short, the Greeks and other people of similar "Bronze Age and Iron", sailors, merchants, thieves, and in contact with other nodes of their koine ultramarine, were open on the front rotte di scambio del mediterraneo. I Siculi e le altre popolazioni dell'entroterra acquistavano da loro le merci esotiche e straniere e rivendevano materie prime da esportazione.

Il porto falcato rimase comunque il maggiore vanto cittadino, un approdo eccezionale da presidiare per ottenere il controllo dello Stretto , probabilmente non fortificato e senza necessità di moli ma in grado di contenere forse 600 imbarcazioni (Diod. 30 op. cit.).
Capo Peloro era un punto altrettanto famoso della stessa zona falcata e celebrato dalle fonti antiche, luogo di fuochi di segnalazione, punti di controllo e attracco a ridosso del passaggio dello Stretto . The Cape Lakes and the arm of the sea front are present in great detail in the Odyssey and in Hesiod, the oldest Greek literary references we have. Here, among the marshes of the current Ganzirri and Torre Faro, lands haired nymph Peloro adorned with roses of swamp, there was already an ancient temple for these early sources, built in that place in time of myth. From this, rebuilt several times, then ended up coming several columns in the Cathedral and the extraordinary Stones of the Phoenix, coming from Egypt.
Another temple of Poseidon was the place where today stands the oldest Norman church of Messina, of the Santa Annunziata Catalani. An archaic sanctuary was located in Fort San Salvatore, a threefold Temple of Artemis at the present church of caves, a temple of Apollo at the eponymous film and another temple of Poseidon at the Shrine of Dinnammare, to mark the fact that the god of the sea has always been the patron of the city.
A god who also oversees the earthquake, just to be honest ..

Sunday, April 13, 2008

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Milestones 8: The Temple of Hercules to San Marco d'Alunzio

Friendship with the formidable archaeologist Messina Alessio Toscano Raffa allows us to raise a new tone and a new item in this blog, dedicated to Messina and Cape Pelorus, archeology, history, nature and the laws of this territory.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, editor and expert aurantia "technical" Messina of antiquities, works with the Free Press "Office Shows," for which manages the heading "Milestones."
Courtesy of his Office Shows and these contributions also quoted in full on "Pheraimon.

Nebrodi Immersed in the park, 540 meters above sea level, San Marco d'Alunzio, traces thousands of years of occupation since prehistoric times.
News on the foundation of the center are handed down by Dionysius of Halicarnassus (BC) that lay the foundation stone of St. Mark Patron of Alunzio was Lacarnone from Thur, here ends his journey in the company of Aeneas after destruction of Troy. The native center, originally called Halut (in Phoenician language "high"), underwent a process of Hellenization between the fifth and fourth centuries. BC changing its name to Alontion. The element is certainly more attractive, however, the so-called Temple of Hercules, the Hellenistic period, at the foot of the village. It is a rectangular structure on the podium, one of the few preserved places of worship in the province of Messina, of which there are few components are original because they converted into a church in Byzantine times.
In Roman times the city was civitas decuman and therefore subject to the payment of a tenth, to become, in the Augustan age, Municipium Aluntinorum.
In Byzantine times the center was renamed Demenna and there are many visible examples of this artistic period. The next
Arab presence was interrupted by the conquest of Robert Guiscard, in 1061, which changed the name of the center in S. Mark, in memory of the saint and evangelist of the first city conquered by the Normans in Calabria. The cultural stratification present in the territory aluntino has found an accomplished display in the Museum of Culture Visual arts and Byzantine and Norman which preserves the most significant finds (ceramic, epigraphic, architectural and decorative) on the history of this small town Nebrodi. The museum is housed in a monastery of the XVI century. AD built on the foundations of the oldest Byzantine church of S. Theodore dating VIII AD One more reason to visit this center with its characteristic medieval structure from which to enjoy stunning panoramic views that stretch from Cape Milazzo until the province of Palermo.
Alessio Toscano Raffa

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

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The Moon Current and

currents of the Strait of Messina can be considered as true tidal currents, the main current flow is produced by the North while the one generated by the ebb down to the south. Four hours before the passage of the moon on the meridian of Faro reflux begins to be felt in Punta Peloro , then goes to Punta Peloro after hours and reach the lantern of S. Ranieri, at this point moves toward the tip of Reggio, then loses much of strength heading towards the Sicilian coast. At a time when the moon passes the meridian reflux reigning throughout the channel. At Punta Pezzo, after five hours the passage of the moon on the meridian, we see the current flow, while in the southern part of the strait there is still a downdraft. At Punta San Ranieri flow is felt two hours after its appearance at Punta Pezzo and is fully established in the canal four hours after his birth.

exit from the Strait then along the coast of Calabria to Sicily and headed Bagnara then off. The changing of the tides is not the case on a regular basis, the hours mentioned above are nothing more than an average of their change.

In the days of syzygies we have the fastest of the current moon phase, in quadrature the weakest. The maximum observed speed is 5 mph / h. The sides of the main currents, about an hour after their passage, are generated counterflow commonly called "bastards". The current meeting of the two waves of the sea and there causes a result of strong gusts or vortices, these scales sea. The Garofali are those gusts or vortices that arise in the meeting points of opposing currents and even where these meeting notevoli difficoltà di fondo, trovano ostacolo al loro sviluppo. I principali garofali sono quelli che si formano davanti a Scilla ed a Torre Faro , nel luogo del mitologico Cariddi. Di minore importanza poi sono quelli di S. Agata, Punta delle Grotte, Salvatore dei Greci, Punta Pezzo e Catona. Le correnti di marea nell’interno del porto di Messina durano tre ore ciascuna con intervallo di calma di tre ore.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

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Strait and currents. Studies and TIPS.

Lo Stretto di Messina is a unique and fascinating place of special chaotic phenomena such as vortices (the mouths of Charybdis), the scales of sea, the oil stains.
These phenomena are due to a combination of factors related to tidal currents peculiar to this area and meeting / clash between two seas, the Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas with chemical and physical properties (salinity, temperature and density) different .
The Strait of Messina constitutes the link between the Tyrrhenian and Ionian basin, the first of the second deepest.
Morphologically similar to a funnel that reaches twice the minimum width along the joining Ganzirri -Punta Pezzo which is about 3.4 km. The water of the Ionian and the Tyrrhenian Sea have tides opposite the central part of the Strait is a anfitromico.

The Tyrrhenian Sea is on average colder and less salty Ionian even if, all along the coast between Giardini Naxos and Messina, the phenomena of "upwelling" by bringing water to the surface deep, which determine the ionic waters in the Strait are considerably colder than those occurring in the same share in other sites of the Ionian basin. In the summer surface water temperature differences are included in the Strait on average between 4 and 10 ° C. The transit through the Strait of Messina of different water masses, according to the current regime, therefore results in the meeting of the waters between them is not immediately miscible. Since only a part of the waters that are able to pass on the saddle in the basin adjacent to these and a large part, losing speed, parked on the edge of the Strait to return again with the next flow, you may experience frequent water bodies that , changing basin, are filled at different levels from the original function un nuovo equilibrio dinamico negli strati d’acqua del bacino ricevente.

Nella parte nord dello Stretto di Messina, nel bacino del Tirreno, fino al Golfo di Sant’Eufemia è stata notata la presenza di onde interne e, in conseguenza di ciò la circolazione di acque nello stretto può essere schematizzata nel modo seguente:

- al prevalere della corrente ionica (direzione nord-sud), acque ioniche profonde vengono sospinte dai moti di marea e risalgono la scarpata meridionale affiorando nella parte centro-settentrionale, questo è il cosiddetto fenomeno dell’upwelling;

- al prevalere della corrente tirrenica, le acque di questo bacino transitano verso sud, ma a causa della minore densità si dispongono esclusivamente in superficie; al di sotto dei trenta metri invece il bilancio è a favore dell’acqua ionica che, invadendo il bacino tirrenico, si colloca a profondità di circa 200-300 m.

Le correnti stazionarie a livello della sella sottomarina fluiscono verso Sud dalla superficie a 30 metri ed in senso inverso da questa profondità fino al fondo, con velocità che possono raggiungere anche i 50 cm/sec in particolari situazioni meteo-marine. La co-oscillazione delle masse Strait of water with the tides of the seas adjacent to the original tidal currents which, with nearly opposite phase and equal amplitude, are added to those stationary. The relative speeds can reach along the section of the saddle Ganzirri - Punta Pezzo, maximum values \u200b\u200bof 200 cm / sec in both the flow towards the north (the current "post"), and in the south (the current "going down"), involving all 'about the same intensity with the mass of water in its entirety. The most recent measurements indicate that the rate of movement of water in the Straits can reach, in particular times and thanks to the coincidence of several components, to to a maximum of 20 km / h.

When the Tyrrhenian Sea has a low tide on the northern edge of Strait, the adjacent Ionian Sea is at high tide and the other is the next change of tide. The difference in height (up to 27 cm) that is created which periodically determines the waters of both the basin may flow back into the adjacent space. More specifically, during the current "going down" the water flow on the Tyrrhenian lighter ion heavier until the whole central part of the Strait is filled with these flowing waters to the south contrast with the predominance of power " pillar, increasingly heavy water will affect the center of the Tyrrhenian basin sinking lighter than water, previously occupied the Straits to pour into the Tyrrhenian Sea and then once past the saddle. The meeting of two bodies of water (Ionian and Tyrrhenian) determines the onset of a whole series of phenomena that are attributable to instability dynamic that is created and dispersed in the well-known spectacular manifestations of turbulence, these " disorders "may arise with the current development horizontally (in the case of" cuts "and" scale of sea ") or vertical (in the case of" Garofalo "," bastards " and "oil spots"). For the phenomena of the first kind is of real waves, similar to those occurring at a rate of tidal estuaries, which develop when, in the case of the mast, the heavier water of the Ionian Sea rush against lighter water Tyrrhenian in a recession or when, in the case of descending, the waters of the Tyrrhenian slide quickly on those heavier ion, already present in the basin. These waves of discontinuity will grow at particular points ( Ganzirri , Torre Faro and Punta Pezzo) extending into the central part of the Strait , sometimes widen and intensify the action of strong winds pushing a type of water to another. With regard, however, the phenomena of vertical development is real eddies formed by the meeting of opposing currents and favorites by the irregularity of the fund. The main eddies are formed, however, in certain points with the current post.

is the mythological "Charybdis", south of Cape Pelorus . A big "Garofalo" format instead of the current going down is located between Punta S. Entrance of the port of Messina Raineri. I "Garofalo" have a cyclonic rotation and in the waters they lie heavy on the lighter ones stemming from turbulent motions. In the case of "oil spots" but the movement is anticyclonic and waters emerge at the center of the vortex showing a calm surface of oily appearance. As for the "bastards" they are the currents that develop along the coasts, with intensity proportional and opposite to the main flow, but variable from area to area.

Such high speeds and the huge volumes of water involved (over 750,000 m3 per second for a current of 200 cm / s), when compared to the means of navigation of the times omerici, indicano chiaramente perché lo stretto venisse considerato abitato da mostri in grado di ingoiare le imbarcazioni o farle naufragare nel volgere di poco tempo, come l’immane Cariddi: il mostro senza volto che risucchiava le navi dagli abissi producendo vortici e gorghi.

Uno dei fenomeni più interessanti legati al ritmo generale e locale delle correnti messinesi è rappresentato da un periodico ribollimento delle acque lungo le linee ad andamento trasversale che viene designato dai rivieraschi col nome "taglio", che ha origine nella zona di Capo Peloro . Ogni inversione di corrente, in ogni singola zona, suole essere accompagnata dal passaggio della linea del taglio. Il fenomeno dura pochi minuti manifestando un ribollimento, un’agitazione nel settore interessato. Questo settore si presenta cosparso di piccoli vortici rotanti rapidamente attorno ad un definito centro di risucchio. In seguito la striscia di mare agitato si sposta e percorre lo Stretto recando ovunque le stesse apparenze superficiali.

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Strait and currents. Notes Geographical and submarine

Lo Stretto di Messina, per gli aspetti morfologici, può essere rappresentato come un imbuto con la parte più stretta verso nord, in corrispondenza della congiungente ideale Capo Peloro ( Sicilia ) - Torre Cavallo ( Calabria ) to the south, however, this funnel opens gradually to traverse the AER (Calabria). The northern boundary is clearly identifiable, while the South may have a geographical or hydrological significance, which may be considered the ideal line joining Capo Taormina (Sicily ) with Capo d'Armi (Calabria). As hydrological area, including the northern border is much broader and includes the geographic area of \u200b\u200bthe Tyrrhenian Sea between Capo Milazzo , the arc of Aeolian Islands and the coasts of the Gulf of Gioia in Calabria.

With regard to the underwater profile of the Strait, it can be likened to a mountain, whose summit is the "saddle" (Deep 80 - 120 meters along the line joining Ganzirri - Punta Pezzo ), whose opposing sides have very different slopes. In this course, the fund has a median line irregular, with a maximum depth of 115 m , which divides a Western (near Ganzirri ) characterized by deep incisions to the east of Punta Pezzo, deeper, level. Characteristic of the northern sector of the Strait is the wide valley Scilla , with a more profound and steep (about 200 m ). The valley begins to flatten and then become less steep towards the Tyrrhenian Sea, where is called the Basin Palmi . The side walls of the valley, deep and steep, rising sharply, giving the cross section to form a "U". Wide and irregular depression, less incised (Valle di Messina), having also section ad "U", si riscontra nella parte meridionale. A profondità superiori ai 500 m , la Valle di Messina si stringe divenendo più profonda e dando origine ad un ripido canyon sottomarino (Canyon di Messina) che si protende fino alla piana batiale dello Ionio . Dal versante tirrenico siciliano, il fondo marino degrada lentamente fino a raggiungere i 1.000 m nell’area di Milazzo e, per trovare la batimetrica dei 2.000 m , si deve oltrepassare l’Isola di Stromboli . Nella parte meridionale (Mare Ionio ), invece, the slope is very steep and not far from the "seat" you can record the depth of 500 m between the cities of Messina and Reggio Calabria , beyond the widely just over 1,200 m in South (Punta Pellaro) to reach the 2,000 m joining the center of the ideal Capo Taormina - Capo d'Armi .