A book of illustrations that has as its protagonist one of the themes dear to the traditional painting
Angels, cherubs , cherubs, cupids ... they are called in different ways depending on the occasion and context but their appearance is always the same: they are the children angels that decorate the vaults of the churches, flutter on the ceilings of Renaissance palaces , peek behind the saints in paintings of the late fifteenth century painters ...
Who does not know the famous Raphael's cherubs ? Were included on posters, calendars, boxes of biscuits and even on the mouse pad!
Of course there are those who played on them porcelain, making a display of skill and patience , since the portrait is a technique that requires a certain amount of expertise and cooking!
If you like the theme of angels but do not feel quite ready for paint brush, tone on tone, this Cupids, Cherubs and Nymphs of Marty Noble you can come in handy.
It is indeed a book of drawings che ritraggono i cherubini in varie pose : sospesi in aria, riuniti in gruppi a reggere corone floreali, impegnati a suonare strumenti musicali, a distribuire frutti, fiori, conchiglie...
In tutto 125 illustrazioni in bianco e nero che potrete ricalcare a pennino , con delineo bruno chiaro o caramello , e successivamente colorare a pennello , tirando bene il colore o tamponando per rendere più uniforme il morbido incarnato degli angioletti.
Il volume è della casa editrice americana Dover Publications e potrete scegliere se purchase in dollars, the official site, or in euro on one of the sites that distribute it in Italy: I put the link below to the cheaper I found. ;-)
href="http://store.doverpublications.com/0486428362.html"> on the publisher's site ...
href="http://www.libreriauniversitaria.it/cupids-cherubs-and-nymphs-marty/book/9780486428369"> ... and on that of an Italian dealer
© Radaelli-Ross 10:09:07
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