"liquid modernity" - Zygmunt Bauman
Bauman indicates modernity as the historical epoch in which it changes the relationship between space and time: "the time when the story takes a speed of movement in space becomes a question of talent. " (It could be argued that modern design movement). In the report space-time space is the solid side while the time is the liquid side.
For Bauman, modernity is a process of liquefaction of solids that have built as ethical and religious obligations that held together the pre-modern societies. To resist this process was only the relationship of class that led the company to be driven by the economy and this to be understood as a principle of rationality that orders all social and human affairs.
Reported exemplifies Bauman at the time of industrialization with the image of the "Panopticon" to a new report that the company has established under the guidance of the rational principle of the economy. The Panopticon is nothing but a place where there is ensured that those who work and someone who controls the work. The principle of this report funziona sul fatto che chi è controllato sa di esserlo, ma non sa come e quando, pertanto questo dovrebbe spingerlo a lavorare sempre con una certa lena anche quando non è controllato; il controllo viene esercitato sul tempo e non sul luogo. Il luogo privilegiato deputato a questo rapporto è invece la fabbrica fordista con le sue catene di montaggio, modello ormai desueto.
Il modello Panottico Bauman lo definisce in crisi e liquefatto che di fatto apre nuove strade alla società moderna, ma per l'autore non entriamo ancora in una società post-moderna, ma in una società post-panottica. Di fatto questa nuova liquefazione è una ulteriore drive towards modernization, which has not yet been completed, they are called into question concepts such as:
The Emancipation: public space is liquid and individuality with his concept of private is destroying the public sphere which must be defended in order to enhance and not reduce individual freedom.
individualism: public space is flooded with problems relating to private space (talk show, Big Brother etc.) Is the end of politics and of political action of citizens, everyone thinks that must rely on their capacity and that the faded dream of a central state the world is transformed into an expanse of opportunity ready to be picked by anyone, consumption becomes the priority of every individual.
Time and Space: the square and public spaces become places of consumption but not civilians, providing incentives for action but not the interaction, since the transition and consumption activities that practice in these places. Consumption in particular is an activity that is expressed individually and can not interact. By time we mean the time it takes to cover an area in we are near instantaneous fluid modernity then confirms the predominance of time on space. The instantaneous changes in the time
infinite it follows the idea of \u200b\u200bimmortality.
Work: work in its transformation from the exchange to provide their (the workers of the capital goods) to the flexibility in which millions of workers today have become professionals the flexibility ; work today you buy from shops like other goods, in short, everything you buy and consume nothing is built individually and collectively.
The Community: to offset this run rampant individualism is chasing the concept of community, the community's identity seems to heal the gap between the individual and the individual's legal fact, the community tends to add more members as possible, and within the community and identity that the individual is recovered as a uniqueness that is not divisible; nations are fragmenting into warring communities merged.
Luciano Fabal
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