Sunday, November 28, 2010

Create Your Own Tech Deck On Line


The project group "Accento12" is the brainchild of designer Louis Santibacci.
The group is composed of designers Santibacci Luigi, Fabio Luciano Ferrante and Fabal.
The project was to redesign the historic dell'Autobianchi A112. Each of the projects carried out individually, and proposed their concept in a more or less developed.

The concept of Fabio Ferrante is stylistically well designed. The designer, who recently designed the small Saab 91, in these drawings suggests a model with very clean geometry of VW style a bit reminiscent of 'the Polo. The model that is compact and sporty fender flares and is characterized by an optical group raised the bonnet, which is synaesthetic A112 with the historic. Too bad the designer has stopped drawing.

Santibacci Louis has developed its own concept to the 3D model. That's what I remember most historic A112, especially with the front optical group that follows the same design. Even the rims have been designed keeping in mind the style and are reproduced in abarth contemporary. Overall Santibacci managed to keep with the historic synaesthesia A112 offering a very contemporary design.

Finally, the concept of Luciano Fabal.
References to the mini are obvious, in fact the historical A112 was the Italian answer to the British Mini competitor.



Saturday, November 27, 2010

South Park Gay Fish Song

Gli oggetti in ceramica decorati con soggetti natalizi rappresentano regali molto apprezzati in tutti i paesi del mondo.....avete già preparato yours?

Less than a month at Christmas, it's time to get down to work to reward with something special, a hand-painted object, the people who are more expensive. If you're short of ideas come to me for a ride on the Internet, to see what offers the network in this area : here is a selection of dishes, jugs, vases and other objects, all in a festive theme by copy or to buy, collectible or just admire:

Bianchi to paint

Poinsettias and holly

Simplicity in the American tradition

A rose in the mistletoe

The men in gingerbread

Warm Holiday

The goblins that come from cold

country style painting

Royal Copenhagen : the most famous

can not miss Santa Claus!

Memories of the past

sober Japan

Wedgwood Jasperware collection

Freshness naive

Flakes Snow on the dishes

© Radaelli-Ross 13:12:05

Are Refurbished Dvd Recorders Quality

The lawn for Christmas Pottery Porcelain

A handbook devoted to naturalistic design of decorum and traditional techniques

There are many books that teach porcelain painting to reproduce nature as it is known that flowers, animals and landscapes are often the protagonists of most of our decorations. But there are few books that deal with the simplest forms of nature, as may be the grasses and small insects that animate the life of a lawn. This volume of

Margrit Marr shall fill the gap and offers a number of examples of how you can get a complete decorating , refined and sometimes precious , using subjects usually considered "minor" and almost unworthy of being immortalized on porcelain .

The secret to the success of the work is all about wise use of the stylus and abundance of particular, they can even make you rich and opulent decoration. Few are the colors used, as the true protagonist is design, but a clean and simple design that will not be difficult to copy even for those who are beginners. Even

though it's designed for fans of decorations nib, this book can appeal to everyone because it offers original ideas interpretable with other techniques (perhaps replacing the pen with the scroller ) although it should be borne in mind that is especially suited to those who can exercise patience and precision !

Unfortunately, the book was not translated and is only available in the original language, the German , however theoretical explanations are very limited and relate primarily sull'impasto color and technique on the equipment of the traditional arguments already known to persons who began to paint la porcellana o comunque facilmente reperibili su altri libri....o su questa Guida! ;-)
Per la trattazione pratica invece bastano le numerose fotografie passo-a-passo e i modelli da copiare.

Oltre che sul sito tedesco di Amazon , dove il prezzo è in Euro e senza dubbio si può risparmiare sulle spese di spedizione, il volume è reperibile anche sull'omonimo portale librario americano .

© Rossana Radaelli-02.05.07

Cross Dress In Girdle

La gomma per l'oro

Anche se la decorazione con oro è solitamente affrontata dai più esperti, gli errori sono sempre in agguato!

All work with gold, whether it be pen drawings in which flourishes added to the brush, should be tackled only by the steady hand those who are already familiar with the painting on porcelain.

The reasons are essentially two: first of all because any errors you pay dear -literally! - And then because gold is a material is a little 'sneaky and often only cooking that brings out the burrs produced trying to make changes at once vague ...

Fortunately interference can be remedied, in whole or in part with this providential tool! The appearance is that of a finger gray or ocher consists of abrasive material :

Gomme per l'oro

Use rubbing, after cooking, greyish streaks on the left residues of gold that you tried to remove. These spots are invisible to the cool but surely re-emerge after the passage in the oven! If you are not too obvious you should still be able to eliminate them completely with the rubber.

© Radaelli-Ross 05:12:06

What Kind Of Doctor For Hand Pain

macro3 Luciano Fabal

Project was born on my concept of simplicity that I expose below.

Simplicity is essential, therefore, synonymous with what is essential to be fully functional and consistent with its purpose to exist.

Precisamente ciò che è semplice non significa che sia stupido o insignificante, anzi spesso stupide e insignificanti sono le cose complicate piene di artifici che non hanno senso di esistere, che stanno lì gratuitamente senza nessun scopo se non quello di rendere più complicato e poco intelligibile il meccanismo dello strumento o qualunque altra cosa, per il fruitore.
Semplicità è sinonimo di bellezza, la natura è sicuramente bella ed è anche al contempo semplice. Il meccanismo non ostenta nulla di gratuito che non abbia un suo peculiare compito e pertanto è funzionale in tutti i suoi aspetti: nei colori, negli odori, nei suoni, the consistency of its materials in its flavors.

Each of these aspects in nature has a function, the colors and fragrances, for example, we all know, the flowers serve to attract insects which then will help the flower to play, and nobody can deny what we found to beautiful, but the scent is that the color in plants have no other purpose than to permettegli to survive and compete in natural selection, if a color or a scent does not attract more insect species dies, so does the other aspects, smells or looks dangerous would avert a predator or a danger that must be sad, bad and is always cruel to remove a danger, but in fact those who are truly dangerous is not interested in showing it. The reptiles, especially snakes, they blend perfectly and are quiet, seem slimy (but who loves them swear that they have a soft leather) but they are soft, curvy, express a beauty that few have the courage to touch or see, yes because they are very dangerous and is not exactly easy to see, many people notice them only after they have violated.

Simplicity binds perfectly to the concept of beauty as a synonym of simplicity and functionality. No one can deny that it is simple in its immensity of nature and there is this beautiful. Even in the dialectic
repeat that. When we judge a person we often say "how nice that guy is a very simple person" or "I like it, it says nothing more than necessary." Conversely those who are too complicated after a little bored. In an attempt to be interesting reveals his neurosis, and neurotic who is often complicates life for free with their speculations which have no meaning and purpose to exist.

Simplicity is balance. Chi parla troppo spesso ci annoia raccontandoci cose che non ci interessano; ma anche chi non parla o parla troppo poco suscita in noi lo stesso effetto. Chi non ci spiega come dobbiamo comportarci con lui (vale tale cosa anche con gli oggetti), chi ha troppi misteri non ci permette di avvicinarlo, oppure lo dobbiamo fare con fatica. Questa non semplicità, ma gratuita complicazione, suscita in noi delle resistenze nei confronti delle persone e degli oggetti con cui interagiamo. Questa resistenza ci fa giudicare le persone e gli oggetti che ce la suscitano spiacevoli, antipatici, brutti.

Semplice non significa scarno, povero, come nemmeno ricco, opulento, ma semplicemente giusto.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Flatbed Scanner Sizes


ideas competition for the realization dell'ampliamentodel sports hall provincial Palasojourner of Rieti

4 ex aequo - ; FZ4093 - 70/100

Parent Company: Arch Luigi De Michele

Design team: Architect
Antonio Aurigemma
Arch Massimo DE MICHELE
Arch Gianluigi HAZARDS

Consultants: Sara
Arch Leonarda Fabal
Designer Luciano Fabal

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Formal Letter Template Middle School


"liquid modernity" - Zygmunt Bauman

Bauman indicates modernity as the historical epoch in which it changes the relationship between space and time: "the time when the story takes a speed of movement in space becomes a question of talent. " (It could be argued that modern design movement). In the report space-time space is the solid side while the time is the liquid side.
For Bauman, modernity is a process of liquefaction of solids that have built as ethical and religious obligations that held together the pre-modern societies. To resist this process was only the relationship of class that led the company to be driven by the economy and this to be understood as a principle of rationality that orders all social and human affairs.
Reported exemplifies Bauman at the time of industrialization with the image of the "Panopticon" to a new report that the company has established under the guidance of the rational principle of the economy. The Panopticon is nothing but a place where there is ensured that those who work and someone who controls the work. The principle of this report funziona sul fatto che chi è controllato sa di esserlo, ma non sa come e quando, pertanto questo dovrebbe spingerlo a lavorare sempre con una certa lena anche quando non è controllato; il controllo viene esercitato sul tempo e non sul luogo. Il luogo privilegiato deputato a questo rapporto è invece la fabbrica fordista con le sue catene di montaggio, modello ormai desueto.
Il modello Panottico Bauman lo definisce in crisi e liquefatto che di fatto apre nuove strade alla società moderna, ma per l'autore non entriamo ancora in una società post-moderna, ma in una società post-panottica. Di fatto questa nuova liquefazione è una ulteriore drive towards modernization, which has not yet been completed, they are called into question concepts such as:
The Emancipation: public space is liquid and individuality with his concept of private is destroying the public sphere which must be defended in order to enhance and not reduce individual freedom.
individualism: public space is flooded with problems relating to private space (talk show, Big Brother etc.) Is the end of politics and of political action of citizens, everyone thinks that must rely on their capacity and that the faded dream of a central state the world is transformed into an expanse of opportunity ready to be picked by anyone, consumption becomes the priority of every individual.
Time and Space: the square and public spaces become places of consumption but not civilians, providing incentives for action but not the interaction, since the transition and consumption activities that practice in these places. Consumption in particular is an activity that is expressed individually and can not interact. By time we mean the time it takes to cover an area in we are near instantaneous fluid modernity then confirms the predominance of time on space. The instantaneous changes in the time
infinite it follows the idea of \u200b\u200bimmortality.
Work: work in its transformation from the exchange to provide their (the workers of the capital goods) to the flexibility in which millions of workers today have become professionals the flexibility ; work today you buy from shops like other goods, in short, everything you buy and consume nothing is built individually and collectively.
The Community: to offset this run rampant individualism is chasing the concept of community, the community's identity seems to heal the gap between the individual and the individual's legal fact, the community tends to add more members as possible, and within the community and identity that the individual is recovered as a uniqueness that is not divisible; nations are fragmenting into warring communities merged.

Luciano Fabal

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How Could I Change My Bitrate Of My Audio File

Le damine di Lucy Frémy-Declume

A French decorator has transferred to the porcelain the charm of Victorian femininity

The site is called Passion Porcelain & Patchwork , leaving no doubt as to what are the main artistic interests of Fremy Lucy-Declume ! She explains them to us, saying he had always shown a great preparation for drawing and painting and remember with nostalgia the first box of crayons , 24 pieces of Caran d'Ache , which was donated by her father when she was a child: pencils, of course, have since been worn but it seems that the box is still jealously preserved and lovingly!

And the patchwork

? Lucy justifies it simply by not being able to "sit with our hands" and there came gradually after experimenting with sewing, embroidery and knitting ... in short, to quote his words, the aspiration is to realize the color and the contribution of various media, the emotions that come alive at the beauty of things .

The encounter with the painting on porcelain occurred relatively recently, in 2002 , but Lucy does not seem technically affected: its strokes are measured by mastery even in the most difficult subjects, as evidenced by the giraffe painted on an ashtray , found in the gallery work.

Personally I liked the little ladies nineteenth century one of the underlying tableware : small fashion of the time that was devoted to an accessory now considered superfluous, the hat, which was instead a critical need for our ancestors.

The advantage of visiting a European site then becomes evident when we just want to purchase something: all prices are in fact Euro and there will be difficult to calculate how much It will cost you to fulfill our desire! ;-)


Porcelain & Patchwork Passion

The little ladies nineteenth

the giraffe on the ashtray

© Radaelli-Ross 15:04:07

Down Archicad 9.0 Full

Lezione d'equilibrismo

When the object has to be painted with complex shapes or sizes outside the standard decorator is forced to real changes in the tip of the brush ...

If painting a plate is not particularly difficult, even for a beginner, the situation becomes more complicated when you are ready to decorate a vase , especially if large or a small box from edges flat or even porcelain plates for jewelry: all objects that can not handle so easily !
We see then how you can cover even these parts "difficult" so as to make it easier for decoration.

For vessels and, in general, for all objects cables and the trick there is in ' challenge from within rather than outside the piece, putting his hand used to support directly into the jar if this is medium size, or with the help of a support thread in the in improvised by whether the vessel is smaller: we could use a spoon resulted in the correct thickness with a few laps of Scottex.

pots large become too heavy to be supported by the hand : in these cases should use the Torniella or, better yet, turning to those used as support media for television sets that have a thickness of few inches and allow to limit the height of the object is already high.

And if you can work in difficult vertical arm in the air can used to support : some large book stacked vessels may be sufficient for medium-high, while the more bulky maybe just look around to discover that you already have something suitable in the home: a can of detergent, an umbrella a folding beach chair ..... are some of the props, which I happened to improvise!

purists decoration already horrified but they will be formalized ..... because if we found a convenient and practical solution to the problem?! ;-)

© Radaelli-Ross 17:07:06