DE AGRI Mensur
Hi! I have the pleasure to host this blog in the treatise written by Anonimus Land Survey, a friend of Pisa. This treatise has reached me. Pdf and is about 4 pages long, so with permission I made the statement posted below.
"De agri Mensura" <<1.2 Unità di misura
1.2.1 Work on the history of the unit of measurement for each field is crucial to quantify at least two parameters: the shape and surface. The second is by far the easier, in fact, a number which area we want to express how great this field. To do this you define a unit of sample surface with which to measure all fields, we introduce new units, but the human history has given so much, that it would be foolish and arrogant to invent others. For example one of the first unitμa measurement used in ancient Egypt, was the cubit square, defined as a square with each side the human forearm, which is why the Egyptian depictions are often represented people with arms bent to the ground, just because intent to carry out field measurements. This activity then did the math. However, after people got tired of bending over to measure the fields, there were also problems because some people had too long forearms, and measuring means less than it actually was. Thus was invented the square step, defined as a square with a step-by-side, but if this solves the back problems, did not do justice to the people of small stature, which measured the field more than they did in reality, and they were forced to pay more taxes. Infinene, because men were too different from each other, we decided to adopt the acres: acres with the global consensus is defined as land that can be plowed by a pair of oxen to the yoke in a day's work. It remained to define the working day, and some suggested, a little sharply, with defined as the elapsed time from sunrise to sunset, except for lunch, but this way the surface of the same field varied with latitude and the seasons, which would cause many problems. So they built Magniton hourglass, a large hourglass in the sand takes exactly the time set by global consensus as a day of work, it is calibrated by the weighted average duration of days in the year, counting the influence of the moon and tides and the attraction luni-solar. In this way we got to the modern definition of unit area, the acres. If someone wants to measure the surface of a field, must obtain one or more pairs of oxen to the yoke test and see how long it takes to plow the whole field, because if in a day's work a pair of oxen plowing 1 acre, 2 pairs areranno 2 acres at the same time. It must also obtain an hourglass Magniton, but not μe difficult to build, the important thing is to follow the letter of the specification, which we omit here, and then test it hourglasses Magniton certification office. 1.2.2 The story continues, however even the ancient Swiss realized that this definition could not last long. Since in Switzerland the fields are all or most of the hills, some really steep, it happened that the two did not do oxen to plow a steep slope for both their size and for the fatigue conveyed behind the plow. So if the Swiss had abided by the definition, because the oxen did not do it to the top, they would used an infinite time to plow the field, it appeared that all of their surface areas were endless! Ohibò, "said he concluded that this argument first. As the surface of Switzerland is indeed different from zero, but not infinite, at least in Europe it was decided to change unitμa measurement. In Egypt, and in all low-lying nations, since there are no such problems, continued to use the acre as a unit, and construct hourglasses Magniton, who instead ended up in Switzerland in destruction. So in Europe it was decided to change the unit of measure: having to respect the canons of universality, however, required, without having to calculate mad follies of integrals for fields with a complicated shape, il problema rimase irrisolto per molti secoli, ed ogni nazione infine scelse delle definizioni adatte al suo territorio. Durante quel periodo gli Egizi, in groppa ai loro buoi, si facevano beffe degli Europei che riempivano lavagnate e lavagnate per misurare un campo un po’ ondulato. Si arrivµo così al periodo di Isaac Newton, il quale accordò tutti con questo ragionamento: tutti i problemi nascono dalla pendenza dei declivi o dalle asperità presenti nel campo; ebbene, scindiamo il problema di misurarli, dal problema di capire se compiere tale misura sia possibile. Così egli definì la misura di Newton per i campi, sostanzialmente identica a quella degli Egizi, eccetto per il fatto che i buoi erano di razza angla. Gli Egizi si infuriarono, they had been the idea of \u200b\u200bthis measure, even if Newton if he took all the credit, so that today in all the books we talk about measurable fields according to Newton. Some contrasts to prevent arable use the word instead of just that phrase, but it is clear that indicate the same concepts. So areas of Switzerland, and in general those of much slope or asperitμa important, are simply not measurable according to Newton, or non-arable. It will only be Lebesgue, a Frenchman who emigrated to Switzerland for work, two centuries after Newton, to finally resolve the case of non-measurable, and to give the definition for non-measurable. However, if the definition is exhaustive for a discussion Complete the fields, even those not on the ground, is not as giμa said, from our own, so we will use only that of Newton or the Egyptians, avoiding any problem.>>
NOTE: A quick find a way to make the file available pdf for those who want to read the parts not mentioned, but for now I still have not figured out how to do ...
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