Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How To Stop People Seeing Facebook Friends

The Fortification of the Permanent Stretto di Messina

The post-unification fortifications erected on the shore of Sicily and Calabria on the Strait of of Messina, known simply as Umbertini Strong, were the Defensive System Strait and were built between 1884 and 1914 after years of strategic studies and planning.

Il Sistema è costituito complessivamente di 22 Batterie alte a mezza costa per artiglieria da difesa antinave e antifanteria, 13 costruite in Sicilia e 9 in Calabria, tutte finalizzate, nel loro complesso, a controllare il passaggio navale più importante del Mediterraneo (nonché il fronte siciliano di terra contro sbarchi nemici sulla costa tirrenica) e a difendere Messina e il suo porto. Altre strutture analoghe e collegate, come garritte e punti semaforici completavano questo sistema difensivo, un "campo trincerato" che assieme a quello di Venezia, Genova e La Spezia costituiva una delle piazzeforti italiane più importanti.

The architecture of Strong Umbertine is constant and easily recognizable. Most of the firing batteries are oriented to cover the Strait, with howitzers and large caliber long range and earthworks to absorb the blows from the sea, and by ditches and rifle slits for defense against land, measures for water supplies, towing cannons and dusts, and finally military roads connecting the different structures. The whole system is unique because it developed and produced to the domain of a passing ship unique and indispensable as the Strait of Messina . The structures were made according to principles of the late nineteenth century, continuing technical progress to date of the guns of the time, reinforced from time to time for range, accuracy and ability to penetrate the bullet and make it impossible to bombardment by the resistance of any structure masonry or steel. These new entrenched camps were built with reinforced embankments and structures, buttresses the buildings buried under thick layers of soil. Their elevated position along the shore line was specifically designed to sight the ship from a safe distance and camouflaged target with a concentration of fire from several miles away.

This system fortified avoided for several years the use of the Strait for tactical movement is practically free of enemies and the earthquake of 1908. However, the further advancement of techniques and the use of artillery aviation for military purposes was soon passed the overall strategic concept of the work.

After decades of abandonment, neglect and decay, today Umbertini Forti Messina, placed on the hills behind the town, seem to return gradually to a new life, the subject of conservation initiatives, development, management and promotion that comes from the intent of the municipal activities of the districts but also from the many different associations and cooperatives of Messina, which are responsible for activities in various ways and return to citizenship that its assets.

contributions and insights:

M. The Curzon and V. Caruso, The permanent fortification of the Straits of Messina - the history, preservation and restoration of architectural heritage and environmental , Messina 2006


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