Friday, February 13, 2009

Multilingual Word List

I movimenti della terra

I movimenti della Terra sono tutta quella serie di moti simultanei che incidono su diversi aspetti di natura astronomica e climatica sulla vita del pianeta.

I principali moti che compie la Terra sono:

  • Moto di rotazion e: è il movimento della Terra attorno al suo asse.
  • Moto di rivoluzione : è il movimento della Terra attorno al sole.

ll moto di rotazione che la Terra compie attorno al proprio asse, da ovest verso est, ha la durata di 23h 56m 04s e viene definito giorno sidereo. Poiché ogni punto della Terra compie in un giorno lo stesso giro (di 360°), la velocità angolare è identica a tutte le latitudini.

La Terra percorre, come gli altri pianeti del sistema solare, un'orbita ellittica attorno al Sole (che occupa uno dei due fuochi) in verso antiorario (se osservato dal polo nord celeste). La Terra raggiunge il perielio (il punto dell'orbita caratterizzato dalla minima distanza dal Sole) all'inizio di gennaio, e l'afelio (il punto di massima distanza) ad inizio luglio (si osservi che l'alternarsi delle stagioni non è dovuto al variare della distanza dal Sole, poiché nell'emisfero nord del pianeta la stagione calda coincide con il periodo di massima distanza dal sole).

Matina Giovanni

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Couple's Budget Template

Milestones 17: Immortal Legacy

L'amicizia con the formidable archaeologist Messina Alessio Toscano Raffa allows us to raise a new tone and a new item in this blog, dedicated to Messina and Cape Pelorus, archeology, history, nature and the laws of this territory.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, editor and expert aurantia "technical" Messina of antiquities, works with the Free Press "Office Shows," for which manages the heading "Milestones."
Courtesy of his Office Shows and these contributions also quoted in full on "Pheraimon.

Our book is called "Milestones" and is a real milestone in this issue we speak. The
has suddenly passed away on January 16 Professor James Scibona, an extraordinary figure and close-up in the archaeological world Messina and beyond. A man in our town must be absolutely grateful for the research and protection of the good and the numerous archaeological excavations, with devotion, passion, utmost professionalism and expertise absolutely has done during his successful career.
knows well who over the years has had the opportunity to work with him and experience with as much passion and meticulousness has occupied its studies have helped expand the knowledge about the archaeological history of our country. A life devoted to the study of the ancient world in all its facets, with investigations into every corner of our city: excavations such as that of the isolate 193 (formerly Hotel Venezia), the courtyard of City Hall, street Faranda, the Palace of Culture, Largo Avignon, together with investigations on the territory of Alesa (Tusa) are just some examples of a presence, strong, competent and brilliant that he made a decisive contribution to the reconstruction of our historical memory.
Jobs that are abruptly interrupted, although we are sure that some of them will not remain locked up among the dusty shelves of a library or in a drawer that will never open, but will live perpetually in Messina that every citizen will want to know their origins. His wry smile in perfect harmony with its authority figure, the quality of his research and his great insights will live with his teachings on those who had the good fortune to work with him or follow his masterly lectures.

A big thank you comes not only from professionals who are able to provide thanks to the work of a large store of information from which to get ideas for new research, but also by his fellow citizens aware of the contribution key provided for the recovery of the history of our city.

Alessio Toscano Raffa