Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pale Skin And Bloated


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ideas For 50th Birthday Party

structure of the sun
The internal structure consists of the core and the photosphere, while the atmosphere is formed by the chromosphere and the solar corona . The core is the central part of the Sun, yet little known, at which the thermonuclear reactions. The photosphere is a thin shell, opaque and bright, which defines the Sun outside and gives the spherical shape that we see (the solar disk). Observed at the photosphere telescope reveals a granular structure, due to convective motions in it are located. The chromosphere, thinner and perfectly transparent, has a thickness of 10,000 km and makes himself visible in the total solar eclipse , when it is not hidden from the glare of the photosphere. He has a beautiful pink color. The solar corona is visible only during total eclipses of the Sun, in the form of a soft luminescent glow of delicate beauty. E 'extremely thin and has a high temperature, about 1 million degrees. Do not have a precise outer boundary, and continues, in fact, in interplanetary space. In the solar corona observed some striking phenomena: solar enormous jets of matter at extremely high temperatures, which are thrown out. Some of them even reach a height of hundreds of thousands of kilometers. On the photosphere can be observed macchie scure, chiamate macchie solari e che già Galileo , con il suo cannocchiale , aveva individuato. Esse sono enormi vortici che manifestano al loro interno una parte più scura e meno calda. Le macchie solari si muovono da ovest verso est, il che significa che il sole ha un suo di rotazione: dal tempo impiegato dalle macchie a spostarsi da un bordo all'altro del Sole, si è potuta definire la durata del giorno solare. Questo corrisponde a circa 25 giorni terrestri
Rossana Maria Grillo

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

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Il Sole visto ai raggi X dalla sonda giapponee Yohkoh. The Sun
mother is the star of the solar system, and by far its main component. Its large mass allows it to support the nuclear fusion, releasing enormous amounts of energy, mostly radiated into space as electromagnetic radiation , in particular visible light.
The Sun is classified as a yellow dwarf , although as the name is deceptive because, compared to stars in our galaxy , the Sun is rather large and bright. The stars are classified by the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram a graph relates the effective temperature and brightness of the stars. In general, more of a hot star is brighter than the stars that follow this model are belong to main sequence, and the sun is right in the middle of this sequence. However, the brightest stars and hot sun are rare, while less luminous star and cooler are common. [5] The Sun's luminosity is increasing, and it is estimated that at the beginning of its history had only 75% brightness, which is currently showing. [6]
The Sun is a star of the population, and was born in fasi successive dell'evoluzione dell' Universo . Esso contiene più elementi pesanti dell' idrogeno e dell' elio ( metalli ) rispetto alle più vecchie stelle di popolazione II. [7] Gli elementi più pesanti dell'idrogeno e dell'elio si formarono nei nuclei di stelle antiche ormai esplose, così la prima generazione di stelle dovette terminare il suo ciclo vitale prima che l'universo potesse essersi arricchito di questi elementi. Le stelle più antiche osservate contengono infatti pochi metalli, mentre quelle di più recente formazione ne sono più ricche Questa alta metallicità si pensa sia stata cruciale nello sviluppo di un sistema planetario da parte del Sole, poichè i pianeti si formano dall'accumulo di metalli. [8]


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L'origine del sistema solare

Si ritiene che il Sole e i pianeti si siano formati da una nebulosa di gas interstellari in contrazione, circa 4,6 miliardi di anni fa.
L'ipotesi di un'origine comune trova conferma nell'analisi di alcune regolarità di comportamento dei pianeti, che ruotano attorno al Sole muovendosi tutti nello stesso verso e percorrendo orbite sostanzialmente complanari.
Secondo le attuali teorie, la nebulosa primordiale aveva una temperatura molto bassa and consisted of hydrogen, helium, from a wide variety of chemical elements heavier and dust.
About 5 billion years ago at the center of the nebula would have created a more dense and thus the cloud, under the influence of gravitational force, would begin to contract.
In a few million years, in the central density and temperature would increase and would have formed the proto-Sun. At the same time, the contraction would have caused an increase in the speed of rotation and the centrifugal force of the system. So the cloud would be compressed, taking on a look similar to a rotating disk around the Sun the gravitational collapse of the mass of the proto-sun would have caused an increase temperature in the most central.
In the final stages of the process, a strong solar wind would have carried to the outer regions all light elements, mainly hydrogen and helium.
While the core of the proto-sun was warming up to reach the temperatures required for thermonuclear reactions in the surrounding disk will increase some bodies through collisions and attracting smaller fragments present in the surrounding space. It would thus forming proto-planets, which would be derived from existing planets, while the proto-Sun was turning into a yellow star and stable.

Matina Giovanni