Friendship with the formidable archaeologist Messina Alessio Toscano Raffa allows us to raise a new tone and a new item in this blog, dedicated to Messina and Cape Pelorus, archeology, history, nature and the laws of this territory.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, editor and expert aurantia "technical" Messina of antiquities, works with the Free Press "Office Shows," for which manages the heading "Milestones."
Courtesy of his Office Shows and these contributions also quoted in full on "Pheraimon.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, editor and expert aurantia "technical" Messina of antiquities, works with the Free Press "Office Shows," for which manages the heading "Milestones."
Courtesy of his Office Shows and these contributions also quoted in full on "Pheraimon.

The Mountain of Tripura, where the ancient center of Sicilian Abakainon dominates, a few kilometers from the Tyrrhenian coast, the promontory of Tindari . The indigenous center underwent the influence of early Greek presence in Sicily, even though between the fifth and fourth centuries. BC, during clashes between Syracuse and Carthage, the city of Abakainon always maintained a policy thread Punic. For the Hellenistic-Roman in the face of little literary evidence, are the archaeological sources to record the presence of a municipium named Abacaenum. Fragmentary inscription found, in fact, cites the name of one of the mayors (Maximum charge town) in the city. The systematic excavations, in successive rhythms alternate 50s, have unearthed the remains of a large structure (about 95 meters in length), interpreted as the boundary wall of the hole in the city. Other tests carried out on the slope above demonstrated the existence of a residential area of \u200b\u200bthe third century. Since the 90s BC the excavation activities have focused on the area of \u200b\u200bthe necropolis of Contrada Cardus, north of Pizzo Cisterna, in small part already explored in the 50s. Here emerged the interesting tombs scattered along a series of small terraces sloping acts to overcome the steep hills. These tombs stand for the elaborate architecture of epitymbia, the segnacoli placed above the tomb burials, made in the local gray sandstone. Epitymbia are various types, the most common nut has a base on which the stone is encased in a rectangular shape that is often engraved with the name of the deceased. There are also special constructions with bases consisting of steps made of large rectangular blocks, nut and decorations molded door stela. Some have even returned the rich outfits with metallic gold and the Hellenistic period. It is precious signet rings, necklaces, earrings and tiaras which, together with the monumental architecture, suggests the sector of the necropolis explored relevant to an upper-middle class. Archaeological research in the territory of Tripura has shown potential archaeological sites that deserve a better fate to a recent survey conducted in year 2003 by the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage, in collaboration with the University of Messina, has revealed that more rich settlement areas in the village Campogrande as that of many other evidence waiting to be explored and protected above all before the signs of aging and illicit excavations can permanently destroy them.
Alessio Toscano Raffa