Saturday, December 20, 2008

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

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Meridiano di Greenwich

Il  meridiano di Greenwich  (o  meridiano fondamentale  o  meridiano primo  o  meridiano zero ) è il circolo massimo meridiano avente per convenzione longitudine zero. This is the line of longitude passing through the Greenwich Observatory in England.

It was agreed in October 1884 in Washington with the President of the United States of America, 41 delegates from 25 countries gathered for the International Meridian Conference.

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Matina John

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Latitudine e Longitudine

The longitude (Latin longitudinal , longitudĭnis , "long" derivative longus, "long") is the geographical coordinates showing the angular distance east or west in direction from the prime meridian. This angle is measured in sexagesimal degrees in a plane perpendicular to the ground and can take values \u200b\u200bin da 0 a 180° E e da 0 a 180° W.

La  latitudine  (o  latitudine geografica ) è la coordinata geografica pari all'altezza del polo celeste sull'orizzonte. La latitudine è pari all'angolo che la verticale di un punto sulla superficie della Terra (o di un pianeta) forma con il piano equatoriale. Tale angolo viene misurato in gradi sessagesimali e può assumere valori nell'intervallo da 0 a 90° N e da 0 a 90° S.

here to read the entire article L ongitudine on wikipedia.
Click here to read the entire article L atitudine on wikipedia.

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Friday, December 5, 2008

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Piccionelli Carmelo Palumbo

Thursday, December 4, 2008

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Il metodo scientifico

The scientific method is the typical way in which science proceeds to reach a knowledge of reality objective , reliable, verifiable and shared . It consists, first, in the collection of empirical evidence and measurable through observation and experiment, on the other, in the formulation of hypotheses and theories to be examined again to experiment.

click here to read the entire article scientific method on Wikipedia

Matina John

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

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Legend has it that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe law of gravity comes to Newton watching an apple fall from a tree (other versions give the apple fall directly on his head), Newton would asked what would happen if the apple had fallen from a height equal to the distanza tra la luna e la terra. Si accorse dunque che la mela e la luna, questi due oggetti così diversi tra loro, potevano ugualmente essere soggetti alla stessa legge fisica. In realtà la formulazione della legge di gravità è l'ultimo atto di un lungo percorso scientifico che aveva portato numerosi fisici prima di Newton ad analizzare solo parzialmente le leggi della dinamica dei corpi a seguito delle scoperte di Galileo .
Newton scoprì che le masse dei corpi celesti si attraggono proporzionalmente al prodotto delle masse e in ragione inversa del quadrato delle distanze, tale attrazione prese il nome di gravità. Questa legge, semplice in sé, comportava una rivoluzione epocale nella meccanica dei corpi, la gravità was universally valid in all places of the universe and suggested a reciprocal relationship and mutual influence of all bodies in the cosmos. Gravity is the force that a body on the ground is still held to the ground. More mass, the greater will be its gravitational pull, and nothing that has a mass less may be released by the gravitational pull of the greatest mass, except with great effort (think of the enormous amount of energy needed to detach from ground rockets and let them escape the Earth's gravity). In light of the new theory, the elliptical motion of the stars of Kepler was questioned, since the ellipses describing the Earth around the Sun could not be sustained as perfect as the study of Kepler, but he should submit to the influence of disturbances resulting from the mass of other planets.
The universe described by Newton possessed the quality of being uniform in an absolute sense. This means that each region of space-time universe is not only subject to the same physical laws, but also had a level playing time and geometric space and time which will then be put into question the theory of relativity. The classical physics of Newton still involved the necessary presence of the ether, the presence of a light material that was still volatile and almost occupy all spaces of the cosmos to make possible the transmission of physical and mechanical causes and effects of all phenomena (the story of the refutation of the ether see Einstein's relativity ).
2. Mass and Weight
The definition of the law of gravity implies the distinction between mass and weight of a body: the mass of a body is the amount of matter present in the body, according to the quantity which forms the force of gravity and the weight Instead of a body is the result of the gravitational force applied on the body. The farther away from Earth, which is the largest agglomeration of matter "in the immediate vicinity" of man, the strength of gravity exerted by the planet on the bodies decreases, which is why astronauts have envy gift of weight loss and soaring into space. The mass is then quell'agglomerato of matter that makes it possible for gravity to exert a certain force of attraction, and the weight is simply the effect of this force (on the moon, the bodies are lighter because it is less mass to attract If the bodies in a more bland).
Again, as already seen for Galileo, the new scientific method not only allows you to reach conclusions that go beyond common sense, but also allows to predict the behavior of extraordinary bodies in unexplored regions of space (the astronauts necessarily suffer the effects of that law of gravity was discovered that the first three centuries of their experiences in weightlessness).


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Isaac Newton e la sua legge della gravità

" Any object Universe attracts every other object with a force directed along the line joining the centers of gravity of the two objects , intensity directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of their distance " .

click here to read the full article gravity on Wikipedia

Matina John

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la forza di gravità e le leggi di Keplero

The law of gravity

Gravity is one of the four fundamental interactions governing the entire universe . In classical mechanics gravity turns out to be a conservative force that occurs between bodies with mass , and therefore has a ' gravitational potential energy , in theory Ria of general relativity gravity is instead linked to the geometry (non-Euclidean) space-time of and deviates from the straight course, including massless particles, such as the foton .

Kepler's Laws

The three laws of planetary motion are the main contribution of Johannes Kepler, Kepler said, to ' astronomy and mechanics . Kepler derived in part by studying the observations of Tycho Brahe . Isaac Newton was later verified the validity of these laws in light of theory of universal gravitation .

L ' orbit described by a planet is an ellipse , whose Sun occupies one of two fires .

The radius vector joining the center of the Sun with the center of the planet describes areas in equal times equal.

The squares of revolution periods of planets are directly proportional to the cubic and semi-major axes of their orbits.


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Piccionelli Carmelo Palumbo

Monday, December 1, 2008

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we are studying Kepler's laws?
and insert images that explains how to MOVE The planet around the sun.
Next: Gravity '

The orbits of the planets are ellitticheGiovanni Kepler (1571-1630), astronomo tedesco, derivò le tre leggi del moto dei pianeti che successivamente influenzarono le idee di Newton quando ricavò le leggi della gravitazione universale. Nel 1597 Keplero pubblicò il Mysterium cosmographicum che lo fece conoscere al grande astronomo Tycho Brahe e a Galileo Galilei.Durante il suo soggiorno a Praga, tra il 1600 e il 1611, egli calcolò l'orbita di Marte e ricavò le prime due leggi del moto dei pianeti.Nel 1619, Keplero pubblicò la terza legge che assieme alle prime due furono descritte nella sua opera maggiore, l'Epitome astronomiae copernicanae, edita in sette libri dal 1618 al 1621. L'opera di Keplero ebbe una grande influenza nell'astronomia del Seicento.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

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structure of the sun
The internal structure consists of the core and the photosphere, while the atmosphere is formed by the chromosphere and the solar corona . The core is the central part of the Sun, yet little known, at which the thermonuclear reactions. The photosphere is a thin shell, opaque and bright, which defines the Sun outside and gives the spherical shape that we see (the solar disk). Observed at the photosphere telescope reveals a granular structure, due to convective motions in it are located. The chromosphere, thinner and perfectly transparent, has a thickness of 10,000 km and makes himself visible in the total solar eclipse , when it is not hidden from the glare of the photosphere. He has a beautiful pink color. The solar corona is visible only during total eclipses of the Sun, in the form of a soft luminescent glow of delicate beauty. E 'extremely thin and has a high temperature, about 1 million degrees. Do not have a precise outer boundary, and continues, in fact, in interplanetary space. In the solar corona observed some striking phenomena: solar enormous jets of matter at extremely high temperatures, which are thrown out. Some of them even reach a height of hundreds of thousands of kilometers. On the photosphere can be observed macchie scure, chiamate macchie solari e che già Galileo , con il suo cannocchiale , aveva individuato. Esse sono enormi vortici che manifestano al loro interno una parte più scura e meno calda. Le macchie solari si muovono da ovest verso est, il che significa che il sole ha un suo di rotazione: dal tempo impiegato dalle macchie a spostarsi da un bordo all'altro del Sole, si è potuta definire la durata del giorno solare. Questo corrisponde a circa 25 giorni terrestri
Rossana Maria Grillo

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

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Il Sole visto ai raggi X dalla sonda giapponee Yohkoh. The Sun
mother is the star of the solar system, and by far its main component. Its large mass allows it to support the nuclear fusion, releasing enormous amounts of energy, mostly radiated into space as electromagnetic radiation , in particular visible light.
The Sun is classified as a yellow dwarf , although as the name is deceptive because, compared to stars in our galaxy , the Sun is rather large and bright. The stars are classified by the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram a graph relates the effective temperature and brightness of the stars. In general, more of a hot star is brighter than the stars that follow this model are belong to main sequence, and the sun is right in the middle of this sequence. However, the brightest stars and hot sun are rare, while less luminous star and cooler are common. [5] The Sun's luminosity is increasing, and it is estimated that at the beginning of its history had only 75% brightness, which is currently showing. [6]
The Sun is a star of the population, and was born in fasi successive dell'evoluzione dell' Universo . Esso contiene più elementi pesanti dell' idrogeno e dell' elio ( metalli ) rispetto alle più vecchie stelle di popolazione II. [7] Gli elementi più pesanti dell'idrogeno e dell'elio si formarono nei nuclei di stelle antiche ormai esplose, così la prima generazione di stelle dovette terminare il suo ciclo vitale prima che l'universo potesse essersi arricchito di questi elementi. Le stelle più antiche osservate contengono infatti pochi metalli, mentre quelle di più recente formazione ne sono più ricche Questa alta metallicità si pensa sia stata cruciale nello sviluppo di un sistema planetario da parte del Sole, poichè i pianeti si formano dall'accumulo di metalli. [8]


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L'origine del sistema solare

Si ritiene che il Sole e i pianeti si siano formati da una nebulosa di gas interstellari in contrazione, circa 4,6 miliardi di anni fa.
L'ipotesi di un'origine comune trova conferma nell'analisi di alcune regolarità di comportamento dei pianeti, che ruotano attorno al Sole muovendosi tutti nello stesso verso e percorrendo orbite sostanzialmente complanari.
Secondo le attuali teorie, la nebulosa primordiale aveva una temperatura molto bassa and consisted of hydrogen, helium, from a wide variety of chemical elements heavier and dust.
About 5 billion years ago at the center of the nebula would have created a more dense and thus the cloud, under the influence of gravitational force, would begin to contract.
In a few million years, in the central density and temperature would increase and would have formed the proto-Sun. At the same time, the contraction would have caused an increase in the speed of rotation and the centrifugal force of the system. So the cloud would be compressed, taking on a look similar to a rotating disk around the Sun the gravitational collapse of the mass of the proto-sun would have caused an increase temperature in the most central.
In the final stages of the process, a strong solar wind would have carried to the outer regions all light elements, mainly hydrogen and helium.
While the core of the proto-sun was warming up to reach the temperatures required for thermonuclear reactions in the surrounding disk will increase some bodies through collisions and attracting smaller fragments present in the surrounding space. It would thus forming proto-planets, which would be derived from existing planets, while the proto-Sun was turning into a yellow star and stable.

Matina Giovanni

Friday, October 17, 2008

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Milestones: Great Mirci Messina

L'amicizia con il formidabile archeologo messinese Alessio Toscano Raffa ci consente di accrescere di un nuovo tono e di una nuova voce questo blog, dedicato a Messina e a Capo Peloro, all'archeologia, alla storia, alla natura e alle leggende di questo territorio.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, redattore di AurAntica ed esperto conoscitore "tecnico" delle antichità messinesi, collabora con il Free Press "Ufficio Spettacoli", per il quale gestisce la rubrica "Pietre Miliari".
Per concessione sua e di Ufficio Spettacoli riportiamo per intero questi contributi anche su "Pheraimon".

Molti ritengono that the so-called "Privilege of Arcadia" is a hoax, invented in 1459, during the controversy between Messina and Palermo, Sicily's capital to establish. Fact or legend that is still the story is a page of the city's history. Tell you about.
In 407 AD the Bulgarians, led by the Arcadians and Assaride Catillo of the Eastern Roman Empire went to war, laying siege to the city of Thessaloniki. The Emperor Arcadius departed from Constantinople to help the city, where he was soon forced to take refuge within the walls. From there, calls for help to the imperial cities, but the grandson Costanzo, temporarily to the government of Constantinople, betrayed him, and Honorius, the Roman throne of the West, era impegnato a respingere le invasioni dei Visigoti e degli Ostrogoti.
Lo stratigò di Messina, Metrodoro, convocato il Consiglio cittadino, offrì quattro navi armate a sue spese. Aristide, un cavaliere messinese, ne offrì due; la cittadinanza messinese tutta deliberò di armarne altre sette, a proprie spese.

Giunta a Tessalonica la flotta travolse Bulgari e Arcadi. Metrodoro entrò vittorioso in città, e, liberato Arcadio, lo fece imbarcare sulla Capitana della flotta messinese, conducendolo a Costantinopoli; lì giunti uccise anche il traditore Costanzo.
Arcadio volle allora sdebitarsi con Metrodoro e con la città di Messina. Nominò Messina “città principale Empire ", just like Constantinople, with the title of Protometropoli of Sicily and Magna Graecia, delivering a Metrodorus the imperial flag and changing so Mamertina teaches the ancient castle of three towers on the green field, with the arms of the cross on a red gold, which still represents the city.

Finally, the emperor had had engraved in the bell tower of the church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, under the imperial coat of arms, motto you Messene Chicken charis, meaning "great gratitude to Messina, Messina, transformed by the expression in" Great to Mirci Messina, "when, in 1528, was carved on the little door, which connected the interior of the cathedral bell tower (word lost in restoration of the interior walls after the bombing in 1943).
Today the word "GREAT MIRCO " stands at the center of the main hall of the palace gates Zanca, visible to all but unknown to most.

Alessio Toscano Raffa

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Milestones 14: Messina Messina studied Hierapolis

Friendship with the formidable archaeologist Messina Alessio Toscano Raffa allows us to raise a new tone and a new item in this blog, dedicated to Messina and Cape Pelorus, archeology, history, nature and the laws of this territory.
Alessio Toscano Raffa, editor and expert aurantia "technical" Messina of antiquities, works with the Free Press "Office Shows," for which manages the heading "Milestones."
Courtesy of his Office Shows and these contributions also quoted in full on "Pheraimon.
I'm sitting on a block of marble from the third century. AD decorated in relief with newts who play wind instruments. I find myself in the ancient city of Hierapolis of Phrygia, today Pamukkale (castle cotton), Turkey. Here time has stopped and the landscape is characterized by travertine formations that resemble flowers, cotton gives the impression of a snowy scene that mix water purifying qualities. Here is a triumph of monumental ruins of the center, now an archaeological park and spa, of vast size: the ancient theater, the gymnasium, basilicas, hundreds of solemn graves. Here, the flag flying high.

From 51 years, at Hierapolis of Phrygia, works with the continuity MAIER (the Italian Archaeological Mission at Hierapolis) with activities of excavation, restoration, reconstruction, within a collaborative program between the Italian Government and the Republic of Turkey taking part in numerous universities and research institutes Italians. A living example of research in which I have with pride, the same as in the eyes and words of the hundreds of tourists, our compatriots, who, every day, I wonder about current activities. E 'pride with this team that operates the Messina University.

Under the direction of prof. L. Campaign, is addressing the cd Nymph of the Tritons, a monumental fountain, the third century. AD, spread over several floors decorated with majestic colonnades, entirely decorated in marble relief, with scenes of Amazons, personifications of rivers and springs, as well as figures of tritons. The systematic study project of the University of Messina, is mainly aimed at understanding the plant's reconstruction of the monument and graphics of the different architectural styles that adorned the front of preparatory operations anastylosis (reconstruction).

A model of research carried out with admirable dedication and sacrifice, which is financed by state funds and limited intervention of sponsoring of private companies interested in investing on culture, it would be nice if at Hierapolis, in addition to the colors of the flags of Turkey and Italian, there was also a crusader shield ...

Alessio Toscano Raffa